When trying to get your name out there on the World Wide Web, you can find yourself easily discouraged. Finding the best and most efficient way to promote your website can take months of trial and error. Here, we've put together some of the best ways to promote your website. Although we are not necessarily telling you anything you haven't heard before, we've tried to put most of it in one place for easy access.
Promote your site in online forums and blogs, whether it be your own or someone else's. The Internet offers hundreds of thousands of very specific and targeted online forums, blogs, email discussion lists and news groups made up of people with specific interests. Find groups with constructive dialog going on and add to the discussion in an unobtrusive way. Make sure your signature line has a link to your website so other users can easily find you.
Everyone loves free stuff. Promote your website by offering a contest to give something away. You'll be amazed at how quickly your traffic goes up. The prize does not have to be anything major, it can be as simple as a free pair of whatever you're selling or an hour of your services. The rules for your contest must be legal in all the states and your contest and prize should ultimately target the demographic with which you would like to do business.
One of the least used but easiest website promotion tactics is to ask your visitors to bookmark your site. It sounds so simple, I know, yet so many people never make the request. The average Internet user will not think to bookmark a website the first or second time they visit it. It is only after they have had to type in the web address several times that they will realize it was ridiculous to not bookmark it in the first place; I know this from experience.
Find businesses that compliment the service or product you offer and exchange ads with them. This goes a step further than just asking for a reciprocal link, as you will not be asking another company to advertise for you without a return on their time.
After time, you will find that you will need to pony up some cash in order to really promote your website and your business. How much is up to you, but before you make the leap, be sure to carefully calculate your return on investment. Some of the best buys in paid advertising are text ads in email newsletters targeted at a specific demographic. While banner ads used to be popular, they have less than a 0.2 percent click-thru rate now and are only worth it if you can get them for very, very cheap.
Begin an affiliate program to build a network of companies, or affiliates, that have a financial stake in promoting your website. Determine what type of commission rate you are willing to pay them and then find a company that is willing to work out the nitty gritty details of your program. Finally, promote the opportunity and get the clicks rolling in!
Finally, list your products and services with shopping comparison sites. These are sites where shoppers go to determine where they can get the best deal on what they want to buy. Some are free to list, other charge a commission. Either way, for the minimal amount of investment, it's worth it to promote your website on one of these sites.
Certainly this article is not meant to be the be-all, end-all of website promotion. If you search the Internet, you will find thousands of articles out there to help you promote your website; we only hope we were able to summarize some of the easiest and most effective promotion methods. Good luck!
Analysis Of Marketing Strategy
Do you think your book is going to be a best seller because its awesome? Are you positive that everyone will want to buy a copy of your book? It might be bestseller material but if you dont market and promote it, no one is going to know about your great book. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a book a bestseller.
The best time to decide on your book marketing strategy is while you are writing your book. Dont wait until you finish writing your book.
Here are some marketing activities you can begin working on right now while you are writing your book.
Become a well-known speaker in your community. If you have a fear of speaking join a Toastmasters International chapter in your area now, or take the Dale Carnegies Effective Speaking training program. I have done both and they can give you the confidence and knowledge you need to be a good, effective speaker. You have an important message to share on your expert topic. You must be able to present yourself well and build your name. You can begin speaking now to get the practice so that by the time your book is published you are ready to go on the speaking circuit.
Build Your Mailing List.
Start doing Google searches for organizations and groups you can speak to: Womens groups, business organizations, Rotary Clubs, personal development groups, plus groups that specialize in your book topic.
Build Your Testimonial List.
Write down the contact information of people you want to give you a testimonial for your book. Get 20 names or more. Once a preliminary copy of your book is available you can write to your list and ask if they would like to write a testimonial for your book. It is best to ask people who have titles that would be of interest to your potential readers. You can put the testimonials in your book and on your website.
Be the Expert.
If you solve problems for your clients, then you are an expert. Now continue to build on that by reading, learning, participating in seminars that can expand your knowledge in your field of expertise.
Promote Yourself.
This is no time to be shy. Start writing articles in your area of expertise and get them out there in the Internet article-writing world. Begin reading promotional materials you receive and save the ones that catch your attention. Begin practicing writing your own promotional materials for your pamphlets and brochures.
Create a website to sell your book.
Get help--find a student from your local college to help you. Sign up for a Paypal credit card account to begin your book-selling program. Your website will promote your book, speaking engagements, and anything else to get that recognition you deserve. There is a lot involved in setting up your website so if you are not knowledgeable in this area get help.
Write a Book Proposal.
This is the best marketing tool you can have. Get a book on how to write a book proposal. There are many books available on this subject. A book proposal can help you with your planning. You will include your marketing and promotional strategies in it. Even if you are planning to self-publish your book I recommend that you still prepare a book proposal.
Create a Blog.
If your book is a long way from being published, start a Blog. You can keep a journal or business tips on it and soon readers will be coming to your Blog. This is a way for people to get to know you and for you to get that expert recognition before your book is written.
Learn Amazon
Review the guidelines for getting your book listed on Amazon.com. Be ready so that when your book is published you can list it on Amazon. Find out the requirements, costs, etc.
Book Marketing Internet Search.
Do a Google search for book marketing. You will discover some of the newest services. Google has a book marketing service now. Also Facebook is a good way to build a list of people who might be interested in your book. You can talk about the book before it comes out and build your list. Once your book is published and available you can announce it to your Facebook friends. There is MySpace and many other ways to promote your book online.
These are just a few ideas to help you develop your marketing plan. Dont wait until your book is finished. Begin working on as many of the above as you can now. Focus on one marketing idea at a time. Avoid getting overwhelmed. Inch by inch its a cinch. I imagine that you thought that once your book was written the rest would be easy. Hah! Youve only just begun. Stay focused, set up a plan, take action, and you could have a bestseller.
Both Seo & Ben Needles are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Seo has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marketing Strategies, Dancing and Internet Marketing. John McLean is an SEO consultant with a leading website promotion. Seo's top article generates over 110000 views. Bookmark Seo to your Favourites.
Ben Needles has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Credit Cards, Anger Control and Business Credit Cards. About the Author (text)America's Book Coach, Joan Clout-Kruse, helps entrepreneurs and business professionals write a biz book that will get them recognized as an expert, attract more clients and boost their income. Claim your free aud. Ben Needles's top article generates over 550000 views. Bookmark Ben Needles to your Favourites.
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