There are a number of dietary toxins that can accumulate in your system. One way to get rid of these unwanted substances is detoxification of your gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Blame it on that fatty slice of pork you had for dinner or your daily consumption of junkfoods for snacks. Simply put, improper diet and innutritious food are the root causes of dietary toxins in your body.
There are several body components that help in eliminating dietary toxins, a process known as detoxification. The GI tract itself is further subdivided into two segments, the lower and upper GI tract. The mouth, esophagus, pharynx and the stomach are the organs that make up the upper tract. These are the main organs where food is initially processed. The lower tract consists of the intestines and your anus. Your small intestine is further subdivided into three parts namely the ileum, jejunum and duodenum. The large intestine also consists of three main organs, the caecum, colon and the rectum. The lower tract is basically responsible for the digestion and excretion of your body wastes. Other excretory organs, including the liver, pancreas and kidneys also aid in detoxification.
When your GI tract cannot perform its functions properly, toxic waste builds up in your body. It then becomes necessary to detoxify and cleanse your tract from these toxins. There may be times when cysts, adenomas or polyps breed in your organs, detoxification would help in removing these unwanted components. Detox cleansing also helps in healing lesions, ulcerations and other tissue problems in your system. It also maintains the tone and the shape of your intestines. Detoxification of your GI tract is responsible in keeping things normal and balance by regularizing PH and eliminating harmful bacteria like candida and other harmful yeasts.
There are a lot of ways where you can detoxify your GI tract. The best technique of detoxifying lies in proper diet and knowing which foods to eat. Some people would also find it beneficial to take in probiotics supplements to aide in the propagation of good bacteria in the intestine to aide in better digestion.
There are a number of medicinal herbs that aide in the detoxification of your GI tract, one of which is dandelion roots. They now come in form of teas. Dandelion roots contain insulin that is need by bifidobacteria, a good bacterium that thrives on the intestines. Dandelion roots are found to be very efficient in detoxification through strengthening and cleansing the liver and GI tract.
Detoxification of your GI tract needs to begin with a detox diet. You can take in fruit juices, vegetable drinks and broths and herbals teas. Drinking plenty of liquid is always beneficial. Cut down on the meat and grains. Fruits and vegetables should always be a part of your meal.
A detox diet may also include the intake of some herbs, psyllium and bentonite. These are known to be effective substances in helping your cleansing.
You should always see to it that every part of your body is well maintained. The excretory and digestive components of your body need regular detoxification to ensure that your body functions are all normal. Removing dietary toxins is very vital in keeping your body healthier and livelier. Get started with detoxifying your GI tract today, and see for yourself the difference it can do.
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