James Bond would have willingly died or wriggled his way out to have one of these. The new surveillance, or ?spying?, system can track a suspect without losing him even in a crowd.
This was developed by the scientists of the BAE Systems, Sagem (a French telecoms company) and the University of Reading. The system, now being tested by a popular British commercial chain, was funded by the European Commission. This outstanding CCTV technology will enhance police surveillance, and crime prevention and detection.
These eyes have it
When the operator focuses on a suspect, the cameras will follow him through crowds and will be able to detect changes in the suspect's appearance. The computer is able to track his movements on film, when small clusters of pixels locks on to the tags after the footage has fixed on the different parts of the suspect.
When the suspect removes his hat or puts on his sunglasses, the system will pass the information to the CCTV cameras. The system is also programmed to detect suspicious behavior or body language; therefore, it can also identify would-be criminals.
The new surveillance technology will raise the level of public surveillance, improve police crime detection and prevention, as well as strengthen public security. In the interest of national security, the system has much to offer.
It's different if it's you being tracked
If you are the one being watched, or you suspect you are being scrutinized behind those secret cameras, the natural response would be to guard your behavior. Nobody wants to be caught on camera picking one's nose or scratching one's crotch. But some habits die hard and are recorded on CCTV.
If you are a law-abiding citizen and have nothing to hide or to fear from the law, you may argue that you can live with the new CCTV system. This will be rebutted by the opposition that frowns on any surveillance system as an intrusion into their privacy.
There are negative and positive reactions to being watched. Some feel they have degenerated from respectable human beings to animals in a laboratory. Others feel they have to sacrifice their privacy for security. Still, many argue that public surveillance is different from covert surveillance done on you right in your home, so there would be conflict about it.
This new technology, if used in the wrong hands will pose a threat to unsuspecting individuals. This is recognized by all governments that are updating their local legislations on covert surveillance.
If you suspect you are being followed, even in the thickest of crowds, then your guess is accurate, because wherever you go, these CCTV eyes will follow. There is no escape at all.
And If You Go I Wanna Go With You
I have to prioritize. I have to learn to say no because no one will say it for me. I have to stop worrying about things that probably won't happen - skip to the worst case scenario, figure out how to handle it and let go.
A friend handles her worries by writing them on slips of paper. She puts the slips into a special box, which she calls God's mailbox, and then she lets go.
Instant coffee, two-hour photo, same-day dry cleaning all feed our need to get things done fast. Computers, e-mail and cell phones further feed our fast frenzy. In spite of all that, we can't save any time to do nothing.
In spite of grandmother's complaints, time must have passed slower for her generation. Daily activities took longer - cooking, corresponding, traveling. There must have been time to daydream.
If you want to see where time went, you can look at how far you've progressed in your career, how much your children have grown - how much the roots of your hair show. You can also look at credit card bills, car loans and mortgage payments. At least these leave paper trails.
Time goes faster when you're having fun and the trip back from a vacation goes faster than the trip to it.
You can try to slow time down, but I've found only two ways. One is having a root canal and the other is a visit from my mother-in-law. Both are too painful.
Holding a jar of thyme in my hand worked - but only when I was cooking.
We spend one-third of our lives in bed - but not necessarily sleeping. My husband lies in bed worrying about not sleeping. Because most heart attacks occur in bed during the early morning hours, get up. You want to slow time - not stop it.
Eventually we have to bite the bullet - but not too hard - and stop wasting time worrying about how fast it goes. Time made me who I am today; and if I avoid mirrors, I like who I am. Nevertheless, I can't figure out how to stop and smell the roses I never had time to plant.
Both Nahshon Roberts & Knight Pierce Hirst are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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