One must check his/her credit report once in a year to make sure everything is accurate. This credit report is free of cost. There are three major credit reporting agencies that formulate credit report that is Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can easily get the report from any of three agencies only after making a request to them. You can also check your report online but, make sure that the website you are viewing is official.
In order to get this report you have to give some personal information like name, current address, social security number, date of birth, marital status etc. and you also have to present the information about your credit card accounts, current balance, previous credit card account, etc.
Credit report not only helps you to keep your financial transactions on track but it also assists you to check that there is no identity theft or fraud. This report also helps you to improve your credit scores, if you had made any financial mistake earlier by paying your debts on specified time.
In any case your credit is disproved; you are entitled by law to obtain a copy of your credit report. The lender has to give you the name and contact data of the credit bureau they acquired your information from. This approach is also necessary to stay away from ID thieves.
Annual credit report can be easily availed from any of three credit report agencies. You just have to fill and submit an online application form with required details in order to get the report.
Annual Credit Report Government
Keeping a check on your fiscal well being is very important if you want to avoid bad credit scores. But how can you do the same? The answer is through ?annual credit report?. It is a document which comprises of the record of your credit payment history. It lets you know your financial standing in the market.
The loan provider advances grants to you, after checking this report only. Therefore, the credit report is important for both the lender and borrower. You shall make sure that your personal information including your name, marital status, address, contact number, etc is correctly written in the report. This will save you from facing problems in future when it comes to credit fetching.
The three major credit bureaus namely, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion are responsible for the formulation of this report. These bureaus develop your credit report on the basis of information, generally mustered by loan providers with whom you have dealt in the past. This report gives you the following information:
1. credit information- this provides information about credit amounts or loans you have taken from banks, credit card issuers, retailers and lenders
2. Public record information- it includes details of monetary judgments, tax liens and bankruptcies.
3. The details related to credit card account; current balance and previous accounts
4. The personal identifying information- it includes your name, current as well as previous addresses, date and year of the birth, social security number, as well as your current and previous employers.
To apply for this report just fill in a simple, no obligation online application form. This report can be provided to you by many other financial institutions online, other than the three major credit bureaus. After a good online research, you can select the agency of your choice.
Annual credit report keeps you updated about your credit standing in the market. It can save you from acquiring bad credit scores as it keeps you alert about your financial transactions.
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