She decided to pull over at a rest stop and get online with her laptop to find directions. As she booted up her trusty laptop, she remembered her AntiVirus was about to expire. Well, she thought, I'll just search online for something that will get me by for now. The search engine results offered a variety of results, all claiming to be the best...some even claimed to cure gout!
First she reviewed the freebies. looked good, but wait, here's a review about it that says it's actually Spyware! That won't do.
Ah, here's one that's only $ 12.95 and if I download it right now, Wow,I get a Ginsu knife set for free with it! They even cut pipe! But alas, she noticed that it had no online protection and the signatures had to be updated manually. This one won't do either.
Goldilocks was beginning to wonder if this was worth all the trouble. After all she thought, I just need a quick look at and I can be on my way to Grandmas, but just then she remembered the website she had been recommended to last week. What a cute dog the websites Company Mascot was! The site stated that a computer could be hacked very easily without proper protection.
The thought of losing all of Grandmas recipes stored on her hard drive gave her a chill. The site also said, be it free, cheap or expensive, make sure it works for you! Read the agreement, read the manual, educate yourself in its use, also check reviews for customer satisfaction. Sounds like good advice she thought.
Goldilocks now felt purpose in her quest. She would insure her online safety, and then get directions over the hill and thru the woods. Wait a minute, That Website with the cute dog! She was sure it would have what she needed. It just, like Grandmas house. After all, her Internet Security was paramount! She had heard horror stories about those wolves lurking online to take advantage of unsuspecting souls. Especially during full moons. (Opps, wrong story)
As the site loaded, she gasped! Ah, this is just right!
After just a few minutes she found an Anti Virus Product that ranked in the top 4! And it was not even expensive. Happily she downloaded and installed it. It only took her a few minutes to set it up. Before she rebooted to finish the install, she bookmarked the site so she could return later. She wanted information on Anti Spyware Products too. And there was a article titled "Facts about Firewalls" that looked interesting.
A few minutes later at she found where she had made her wrong turn. The way she was going now led to "Wolfsburg" where the "Lil Red Riding Hood Memorial" was. As she pulled back onto the freeway she thought, this would have made a great story!
Goldilocks was one of the lucky ones. Many have no idea they are not adequately protected while online. Some suffer incidents of identity theft which is rising drastically. Insure your Online Safety.
Antivirus And Anti Spyware
Spyware is a software program currently being used to fulfill some bad motifs. Knowingly you cannot permit anything like that happen to you. Unfortunately you cannot do anything if you are ignorant. In this case my dear ignorance will not become bliss. You will have to pay a very big price of remaining ignorant.
By now you must have understood that whatever you do in life, there is a darker and a brighter side of it. It is always safe to know both the sides. No one is urging you to take the wrong route but you must know to challenge the bad aspect. Now if you are ignorant nobody can help you.
Spyware everywhere
In the last phase of the twentieth century, spyware was new to all of use. Until 1999 spyware was not even in the news. Down the decade you all have come to know various aspects how the spyware works. You are also well acquainted with the shifting aims working behind the spyware.
Though during its inception, the spyware was a mere part of the marketing tools but with changing times it became an agent of exercising wrong ways of accessing information. When there is a problem, there has to be a solution for it.
Programmers worked on another software that could defend the ill mechanisms of the spyware. Thus came in the anti-spyware software in different forms.
Anti-spyware software with special properties
Anti-spyware software is also a program that you must now install before you work at the Internet. The main road followed by the spyware down to your computer is through the web medium. Hence you cannot take any chance on this track as any time a mishap may take place.
What type of properties is associated with the anti-spyware software? Anti-spyware software can remove the spyware getting connected to your computer. It can also point out at the time of the downloading process that an intruder is trying to come in because it has the ability to find out those programs that the user is not in touch with. So a hint can be gathered that the intruding program might be a type of spyware.
All these properties are yet not sufficient to completely counter the spyware. There is a high probability of a few broken links staying back in the system's registry. The spyware remover has put the spyware out but not these links. To remove the last remaining you need free anti-spyware software remover from a reputed software company that will effectively carry out this service to safeguard your computer.
Both Doug Woodall & Herbert Sanchez are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Doug Woodall has sinced written about articles on various topics from Spyware, Online Security and Spyware. About the Author:Doug Woodall has a website at http://www.spywarebiz.comThere he provides free information and recommended products to combat Spyware, Viruses and other On. Doug Woodall's top article generates over 60500 views. Bookmark Doug Woodall to your Favourites.
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