First, before I lose people, there is such thing as a legitimate part time jobs but compared to the vast majority of these so call "opportunities" they are very few and rather far between. I mean sure there are people that because of the internet can carry on their job remotely from the location of their choice, but this is a far cry from the claims of many of these scams that offer you wads of cash for a couple hours of work per day and with no experience or training required. This is absolutely ridiculous if you think about it and that is the problem people would rather believe lies than face the cold hard truth that you have to work hard for a living.
Second beware of multi level marketing claims. They will claim that they are not a pyramidal system, which is illegal, but they are for the most part. They will talk to you about passive income all from saving you and your friends lots of money on products that are available to you at reduced rates. They will guarantee you a certain level of income with a specific number of team members. They will give you a "reasonable" time period for which this can all be accomplished. Basically what they are doing is feeding you a lot of bull about their "once in a lifetime" part time jobs.
Now I want to make it very clear that this is the vast majority, which means that there are legitimate chances to make a decent income while at home and on your own schedule but you must be ready to work hard and you have to be good at what ever you do. This will inevitably mean that there is a learning curve to any part time jobs, and that the rewards will increase according to the amount of effort that you expend. The saying "good things are worth waiting for" can't be more true than when applied to the legitimate chance to make an income in the comforts of your own home.
Any Part Time Jobs
In March of this year I was looking at the markets, reviewing the price charts to see if there was anything worth trading. In this particular instance it was the foreign exchange (forex) market I was scanning and I did come across an interesting development.
You see, the Euro was setting up to making what looked to be a big break higher against the Dollar. Based on my analysis, which took all of about two minutes, I saw a pattern forming which told me to prepare for an uptrend. Now I don't want to imply that in two minutes I found a great trade. It probably took me 30 minutes to go through all the charts that day. Oh, and since I actually wrote up the analysis of the trading strategy for my report subscribers, you can add on maybe another 30 minutes. That makes an hour.
The strategy I devised that day had me buying the Euro against the Dollar at about $1.21 (meaning each Euro was worth $1.21). That was mid-March. About two months later I exited the position at around $1.28. If you are familiar with forex trading, you will know that's a nice profit. If you don't have forex experience, let me explain.
Let's say that I bought 100,000 Euros against the Dollar. That's a position size of about $121,000. Because forex is a leverage market, I would only need a margin deposit of maybe $2500 to put on that trade - potentially less. At the time I exited the trade, the 100,000 Euros had increased in value to approximately $128,000. That's a gain of $7000, which is not a bad return at all on the initial $2500 deposit.
Now let's say I checked on the trade once per day during the time I held it. That's about eight weeks, which is forty trading days. If I spent five minutes each day looking at that trade - which is probably quite a generous figure - then I accumulated 200 minutes of trade monitoring time. Add that to the sixty minutes I used identifying the trade and creating a strategy and you have 260 minutes. Rounding that up, we'll call it 4 1/2 hours.
So if I had put on a 100,000 Euro position I would have spent 4 1/2 hours to make $7000 - more than $1500 per hour. That's one heck of a part-time job!
This story isn't about telling you how great a trader I am. Rather, the point is that I was able to make those kinds of profits in the market without having to spend hour upon hour in front of the computer screen watching the charts and trying to interpret news events. This is something you can do as well.
Let's face it. There are a heck of a lot more people who trade part-time than full-time. The day traders, though, account for more of the noise and they have a great many people convinced that one has to be dedicated heart and soul to the markets to make good returns. That just simply isn't true.
Part-time traders are at least as capable of doing well in the markets and making a positive contribution to their financial well-being as those who spend long days focused on the market. It is just a question of managing their time well and finding an approach which suits their situation.
Both Julee Mitchelsin & John Forman are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Julee Mitchelsin has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Travel And Leisure and Currency Trading. Julee Mitchelsin has found a way to support her family and spend time with them doing part time jobs. Do you need more information? Go to www.parttimejobsplace.inf. Julee Mitchelsin's top article generates over 201000 views. Bookmark Julee Mitchelsin to your Favourites.
John Forman has sinced written about articles on various topics from Currency Trading, Finances and Forex Trading Forex. John Forman is a near 20-year veteran of analyzing and trading the markets. He is author of the Top Selling book The Essentials of Trading, and the. John Forman's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark John Forman to your Favourites.
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