One of the characteristics in developed countries is that the people there are proud of their country and who they are. They are happy to say that they are the best and therefore, they keep on moving towards that direction. These countries have a vision of greatness and have pride in striving towards that image of who they are. In the same manner, this is why some companies are also successful because the force of people working there are proud to be part of that company. Morale is high, productivity is high and the company becomes profitable.
Now this is equally important for a successful marriage. Can you say to yourself that you are proud of you spouse and your children? Try to remember the day of your wedding. You were feeling high, ecstatic, happy and proud as if you won a lottery! You wanted to shout to the world and announce who is the person you were getting married to. Didn't you?
Does this feeling still hold true after 5, 10, 20 or more years of being married to each other? Things have definitely changed, physically, emotionally and maturity-wise. But has any of these changes stopped you from having that feeling of being proud of your spouse the way it used to be? If this has disappeared, chances are, your marriage will start to wobble. You may start wondering how to save a marriage. Perhaps there is the need to to build good listening skills to understand what is happening and why some drastic changes.
I recall a friend sharing about his cousin. It was in a party at his own home. While he was greeting his guests they asked about his wife whom they have not yet met. My friend was the one who introduced the wife and the husband walked away as if embarrassed to say she was his wife. True enough, a few years later, they became separated.
We also hear of families who speak negatively about each other. You don't want your spouse to say things that are not nice of you to his friends would you? For example, “She's a lousy cook” or “He's so disorganized and untidy” or “He's a lousy lover”. The same treatment with the children with irresponsible remarks such as; “You're so dumb”. What kind of a family do you think they have? It surely is a reflection of the spouse saying those words. They forget how to save a marriage.
Are you listening to what you're saying to your loved ones? Are you also listening to what your spouse is trying to tell you when he or she gets offended to those words that hurt his or her feelings? Build good listening skills and understand why you need to be proud of your spouse. This is a simple skill to work on but the result is great..
It is highly important that you make your spouse feel loved by you. You need to be proud of your spouse always and of your family. Only positive words about spouse must come out of your mouth to show that he or she is important to you. No matter what, he or she is always special to you through words of encouragement and appreciation. Think of how to save a marriage. You can only do that if you build good listening skills. In return, your spouse will do the same and this will help you have a successful marriage because of the positive thoughts you have for each other.
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