If you appreciate art, investing in it can be a fun and profitable way to learn more about the subject and make some money as well. This is the kind of field where you really have to enjoy it to be any good at it. This is true of most things, but you can, for example, make money at trading items like pork bellies in the futures market without knowing or caring about the product at all. In the long run, you are always better off doing business in areas that interest you, but with art it's especially crucial. When you browse auction listings online, go to a live auction, or perhaps rummage through someone's basement during a house sale, you simpy must have the "art bug" to maintain interest and gain any expertise.
There are, of course, many categories to choose from in art. There are many periods, locations, styles and media and you may have a very specific area of focus or take a more general approach. It is usually good to specialize at least to some degree or you will be overwhelmed by the myriad of objects to choose from. Personally, I have a liking for antique paintings, which is itself a very wide field. Antique can mean just about anything that is 19th Century or earlier (though some might include early 20th Century, depending on your definition of "antique"). There are also American, European, Asian and artists from every other corner of the world.
First of all, you may be wondering if art is a good investment. This is practically as impossible to answer as asking whether real estate or the stock market are good investments. In all these cases, the answer depends entirely on what, exactly, you are investing in. It also, alas, depends on market factors that cannot be predicted. With art, as with other investments, there are safer and more speculative choices. If you buy a well listed artist (one of your first investments, if you are at all serious, should be a reference book of artists and paintings, or perhaps an online subscription to a service with these listings), the value of your painting (I'm assuming you are buying paintings for the purpose of this article, but the same would be true of prints or sculptures) is almost certainly going to only rise, or, at worst, remain stable. With lesser known, or unknown artists you are always taking a bit of a risk. That's why one of the first rules of buying art is that, even if you are looking at it as an investment, only buy something you will enjoy owning, in case you end up in possession of it for a very long time!
There is another kind of risk involved when buying art. That is authenticity. There is, unfortunately, a great deal of ambiguity in the art world. There is also, even more sadly, a fair amount of outright fraud. As with autographs, not all signed paintings were actually signed by the artist whose name appears on them. There are many skilled forgers out there. There are also techniques to make works of art appear much older than they really are. Aside from outright fraud, there is also a vast gray area when it comes to selling art, especially at auctions, whether online or live. Many works, for example, are described "in the style of," "attributed to" or "...school." Sometimes these words have little or no meaning and are merely a silver-tongued auctioneer's way to make an unimportant work of art sound exciting. If you are spending small to modest sums of money -say anything from under $100 to a couple of thousand dollars on works of art, you have to face the fact that the rule is pretty much caveat emptor (let the buyer beware). If you are dealing with high-end auction houses, this kind of maneuver is less common, but by no means unknown. At least in these cases, you are more likely to be able to trace the provenance of the art. You will also have to spend more money, of course.
My own experience in the art world, I must confess, is at the lower end. I enjoy searching for unexpected treasures at yard sales, country auctions (though even these are now often attended by slick dealers) and second-hand stores. Naturally, if you are paying very little for your "investment." caution becomes less of an issue. The odds of finding anything worthwhile, especially today, when everyone is looking for a treasure to sell on Ebay, are rather depressing. Still, if you looking for good art investments, the rule is to keep your eyes open at all times.
Online auctions can be a fun and convenient way to shop for art. The dangers here are probably no more extreme than anywhere else, though you might think otherwise. People worry about the honesty of online dealers, fake bids (e.g. bids made by the seller using alternate IDs or by friends to jack up the price), but the same thing happens at live auctions. The rule is, be careful if you are spending any significant (to you) amount of money. This means, but is certainly not limited to, checking out the seller's feedback rating. Read any negative comments. Also, be sure to read the item's description very carefully. Some sellers are very skilled at misleading potential buyers without telling any outright lies. For example, some dealers sell antique *style* paintings in period frames (or period style frames). They may describe the painting, for example, as an English fox hunt scene, or a portrait of an 18th Century lady or gentleman. This does not mean that the painting itself comes from these periods. It could have been painted last month! Be sure to check the guarantee or refund policy of sellers. I've observed that most sellers who use the kind of tactics I've just described are also very explicit about offering no guarantees or refunds. Incidentally, most live auctions have similar stipulations if you read the find print when you buy something. Once again, caveat emptor!
I am certainly not trying to frighten potential investors in the art market, only point out some common tricks of the trade. If you are new to the field, start off small. Find an area that intrigues you and make small purchases. Do research in your specialty, or general area of interest. Read books and magazines that pertain to it. After making these relatively small purchases, see how quickly you can turn them over and if you make a profit. No matter how experienced you are, you will find that sometimes you will make mistakes and lose money. Other times you will break even or merely make or lose a few dollars. But you will also have those very rewarding windfalls that make it all worthwhile. It's best not to approach the art market expecting to make a killing, especially on any given purchase. That's how people end up overpaying and overbidding. Use your rational mind and intuition equally. Hopefully, over time, you will have acquired a skill and a bit of an education into the fascinating world of art!
Art Fun For Kids
Collecting is a fun hobby, and one of the most interesting things to collect are art collectibles. Many different items can be painted with artwork and become an art collectible. Hobby enthusiasts collect such things as saw blades, and wooden eggs which have had artwork painted on. People even collect designer rugs as art. Another art collectible hobby is collecting limited edition plates, thimbles, Christmas ornaments, and figurines produced by such companies as Bradford Exchange. And of course, many people collect fine art paintings.
Reasons to collect art
While collecting art, you may notice at some point that you value particular artists more than other; your collection may be based just on one artist's works or, if you like variation, you can chose to collect works from various old or new artists. Some people like to collect a certain object that has a special meaning to them; people will collect cigars, wild animals, and even piano music.
People tend to jump to conclusions when it comes to art collections, many of us think that being an art collector is synonym to being rich, and art collectors will spend a lot of money on original Van Gogh paintings. There is also hope for the modest budgets and people may find postcard collecting to be a pleasant, less expensive alternative. You can find postcards in museums; there is a big variety of quality, beautiful postcards that show their most valuable objects. Buy those postcards now and start your own art collection.
Search art on Ebay
Ebay is a good source of art collectibles whatever type of art or collectible you fancy. In fact, if you are just starting out, the choices and options can be overwhelming! Just remember that you can sell your own belongings as well as buying those of others. This should make the impact on the budget a little less powerful. Other ideas for inexpensively collecting art collectibles are scouring flea markets, thrift shops, and garage sales. You never know what treasure someone else may be getting rid of.
Best thing about art is that you can find it all over the world. A good idea is to search for art in your own town in parts like: museums, artist's hangouts, or art shows- these can be very useful if you search for low price art. Travel souvenirs are also a form of art and this can be proved by Linda Barnicott, an artist who paints scenes, buildings, and landmarks from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Keep in mind that every place hides one or more local artists.
An art collectible hobby will keep you interested in life and give you a home filled with art masterpieces as well. If you enjoy pretty and interesting things around you, consider starting an art collectible hobby today.
Both Larry Christopher & Rex Stevenson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Larry Christopher has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, Audio Books and Nutrition. Larry Christopher is a writer and researcher on many topics, including the arts, cultural issues, metaphysics and alternative health. For more information on online art auctions, go to:. Larry Christopher's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Larry Christopher to your Favourites.
Rex Stevenson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, All Rights Reserved Copyright and Trucks. Art collecting can be a fun thing for everyone on the family. You can even collect art from ebay and save. Rex Stevenson's top article generates over 90500 views. Bookmark Rex Stevenson to your Favourites.
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