Early symptoms of arthritis can be extremely vague and confusing. However, these are very important to recognize as early as possible.
A) Here are some of the early symptoms of arthritis
a)Stiffness and/or pain in joints
b)Redness and/or warmth around the affected area
c)Tenderness in and/or around the affected area
d)Difficulty in moving
e)Limited range of motion in one or more joints
There are different types of arthritis that a patient can be attacked with. Hence, it becomes very important to know about the symptoms of all the major types of arthritis. This basic knowledge will help you to detect the presence of the disease at an early stage and to start the treatment as early as possible.
B) Here is a list of the major types of arthritis and their symptoms:
a)Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is inflammatory in nature. One may experience a lot of stiffness in the joints. Mainly the joints are affected by this condition. However, one can also expect certain systemic effects. The symptoms include the following
1.Morning stiffness
2.Extreme fatigue
3.Rheumatoid nodules
4.Symmetrical joint involvement
5.Involvement of small bones of hands and feet
b)Osteoarthritis Arthritis symptoms
Also known as degenerative arthritis, osteoarthritis arthritis is a condition that can turn low- grade inflammation in to severe joint pains. This is usually caused by wearing of cartilages in the joints
1.Pain around joints
3.Trouble in moving
c)Gout Arthritis symptoms
This is a condition where uric acid tends to get build up in the blood. Crystals of uric acid is formed in joints and several other places.
1.Severe sudden attacks
2.Toe pain
3.Joint pain
d)Ankylosing Spondylitis arthritis symptoms
It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the spine. This can result in fused vertebrae and rigid spine.
e)Juvenile arthritis symptoms
A common form of arthritis, it tends to come up as an inflammatory and painful condition.
f)Psoriatic arthritis symptoms
This is a chronic skin disease.
1.Inflammation of bone and other joint tissues
2.Affects whole body
g)Systematic lupus Erythematrous Symptoms
This form of arthritis involves skin, muscles joint and even internal organs.
h)Septic Arthritis
It is a type of dangerous invasion of the joint space by an infectious agent that results in arthritis. The etiology can be mycobacterial, baceberial or viral or even fungal.
There are several other forms of arthritis. However, you need to seek medical attention as soon as you spot some of the common symptoms of arthritis:
- Swelling, Redness, Joint stiffness, Warmth, Tenderness of joint and/or Inflammation of joint.
Arthritis Signs And Symptoms
Spinal arthritis is an incredibly serious affliction, however surprisingly enough, not many people are truly aware in regards to the signs and symptoms that stem from this ailment. It is truly essential that everyone understands the symptoms and such of an ailment such as spinal arthritis, so that if they do notice any signs at any point of their life they will recognize at least one of them and thus be able to realize that there may be a problem and get themselves checked out as soon as possible.
What is Spinal Arthritis?
If your back pain is severe, then you should go in to see your physician right away, as you may have what is known as spinal arthritis. The symptoms of spinal arthritis are typically similar to other spinal conditions, and this is one of the most primary reasons as to why it is so truly necessary to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you possibly can at the first notice of any back pain.
How it is Diagnosed
There are actually many different ways that an ailment such as this can be diagnosed. For instance, there will usually be blood tests done first, as these will help to determine the exact type of arthritis that it is. Then, there will usually also be x-rays done, and this is considered as being one of the most important tests of all in regards to any type of spinal problem.
The x-rays are great because they are able to show the actual structure of the vertebrae as well of the outlines of the joints and thus can help to determine whether or not there has been any deterioration of cartilage in the person's body. Furthermore, your doctor may recommend that you have an MRI done, and this is a test which is able to give a three-dimensional view of the spinal cord, as well as other parts of the back and the nerve roots and surrounding places.
What Happens if Arthritis is Found?
If this type of arthritis is found in you, then there are a number of different treatment options that are available; remember that there is no actual cure for arthritis however there are many things that you can do in order to relieve the pain and in order to prevent the arthritis from getting any worse, and so this is what you would need to think from here.
Both Bertil Hjert & John Ugoshowa are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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