Have you heard about Article Marketing as one of the most powerful marketing strategies to boost your business in a short period of time? Actually, many businesses have built fortunes utilizing only Article Marketing, and still going on to use this very profitable method to grow their fortunes even more. You don't need to break your bank account to start to use this fortune maker marketing method. Just think about the subjects you know well, about the marketing strategies you have used and got good results.
Before starting to write articles, you must do some research to learn the rules of writing professional articles. You can easily learn the rules, just read informative articles written on this subject. There are thousands of them in the article directories and resource sites on the Internet. Let me make it easier for you. Just visit the websites listed below to find valuable articles in almost all categories: Then write your articles abiding by the rules you have learned. Let other businesses and marketers benefit from your experiences and knowledge. But, please remember, you must be totally honest when providing this information.
When the writing is complete, submit your articles to the free or fee based article distribution sites. I am providing you with the website addresses of a number of leading article publishers and content providers, as listed below.
When you submit your article(s), they will have the chance to be sent to tens of thousands of e-zones, newsletters, magazines, groups, websites and other publications in the relevant categories, to reach millions of target audience almost immediately, possibly without spending one red dime from your own pocket. Can you imagine the outstanding response rate you would get from those publications which have millions of subscribers, members and visitors, reading your articles? In addition, articles and press releases have a staggering impact on the audience, increasing your business' credibility, accountability and reliability which are essential factors to get more customers campaigns.
You can also turn your articles into RSS Feed formats and send them to hundreds, or even thousands of more RSS Feed distributors and providers, blogs, to reach millions of more targeted recipients who might be your potential customers. Furthermore, your articles will stay in the archives of these tens of thousands of publications, and portals for years, continuing to send thousands of more potential customers to your website, increasing your link popularity, sales and revenues for many years without doing anything on your part. Wouldn't you love to earn such a passive income for years and years to come? Plus, you would get higher placements and higher ratings at search engines and directories, since search engines love businesses which are issuing articles.
If you don't have time to write articles and press releases which will certainly help your business grow fast, there are copyright or ghost writers who would write them for you in the professional way. They know how to do it because it's their business and they have become experts in writing powerfully. Most of them would be writing for you at affordable prices you can find writers who would love to write for you at affordable prices.
You can also send these articles to weblog (blogs) which have been extremely popular marketing sites used by millions recently. In fact, there are millions of blogs in every category on the Internet, and about 40,000 new blogs are being added to them every day. If you use them to promote your business properly, abiding by the rules of each of them, you can attract thousands of more potential customers to your website possibly daily. You will reach millions of potential customers with your articles, as mentioned above, without spamming anybody. Because your potential customers will read your articles in publications they have subscribed and agreed to receive. This way, you will take advantage of the totally legitimate way of e-mail marketing which is still one of the most affective methods of online marketing. Furthermore your articles will be read.
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Bedtime Stories Part 6 Just a little narrow circle -- that is our world. We have not the patience to look beyond, and thus become immoral and wicked. This is our weakness, our powerlessness.