Neurotypicals enjoy ?emotional competence?, which allows them to manage their interactions with others more effectively - they find ways to cope and adjust their behavior to better suit the current situation.
Aspergers Syndrome children are usually impulsive, which deprives them of the ability to think things through and see the consequences of their actions. They do not recognize the physical reactions of emotions such as fear or excitement, as being signs of emotion, and so they miss vital clues that would enable them to regulate their feelings.
Children with Aspergers Syndrome use mimicry in situations as a coping strategy, so they may utter phrases they've heard on TV or repeat something you've said. They develop a ?script? to use in a variety of situations ? mostly when dealing with conflict or confrontation. This is why sometimes what they say doesn't seem to ?fit? the situation.
Children with Aspergers Syndrome are not able to generalize any emotional competence skills they do have, and adapt them to new circumstances. This means their judgment of certain situations is incorrect ? they can appear to lack common sense. Neurotypicals use feelings to help them interpret rules and make exceptions, whereas children with Aspergers Syndrome are black and white in their thinking.
Being fact driven, children with Aspergers Syndrome tend to focus on facts and overlook their feelings, because this makes better sense to them. Emotions help neurotypicals shape their morals and value systems; therefore not interpreting emotions correctly can negatively influence the principles your AS child develops. It's important to take the time to ?debrief? your Aspergers child after any major emotional ?incident? to ensure they've drawn the correct conclusions.
It's important to aim to expand your AS child's emotional vocabulary. Children usually begin with three basic emotions ? happy, sad, and angry. Work at increasing your Asperger child's emotional vocabulary to include excited, surprised, worried, proud, embarrassed, content, peaceful and a feeling of anticipation etc. Use magazines to find pictures and label them. Ensure you explain that emotions look ?different? on different people, and find as many different examples of an emotion as you can to highlight this.
Concentrate your efforts to expand your AS child's emotional vocabulary on members of your family first? Mum, Dad and siblings, as these relationships are the most important in your child's life, and understanding each other's emotions more accurately will help to create a calmer environment for all of you. You may like to take photos of each other displaying emotions and label them. Show variations of facial expression for each emotion and note their body language as well. You may like to make a game, using a mirror to capture facial expressions.
Once you've practised recognising emotions from facial expressions, enhance this knowledge by linking emotions to situations. E.g. ?What would embarrass you??, ?What would make you proud?? etc.
Complex emotional concepts, such as conflicting emotions, are more difficult to understand and explain to children with Aspergers Syndrome. After focussing on simple emotions for a month or two you should introduce a scenario containing conflicting emotions and discuss at length, once a week. However, the black and white thinking of children with Aspergers Syndrome may never allow the dexterity to deal with emotionally complex situations such as this, on their own.
Working to maintain and increase your Asperger child's emotional competence is perhaps the most rewarding and worthwhile task you will undertake, in your journey on his/her path to an independent, happy life. After all, the key to successful relationships of all kinds lies in emotional competence.
?Nelle Frances
Asperger's Syndrome A Guide For Parents And Professionals
A common trait for children and adults with Aspergers Syndrome is that they tend to get caught up and lost in the details of tasks or situations and the environments around them. This affects all cognitive ability such as reading ability ? words are reduced to letters or sounds in isolation ? and maths ability ? equations become single numbers or number patterns. They don't see the ?larger? or whole picture, so often they're not even aware of other people within a scenario; consequently the other persons emotions and feelings don't register with the Aspergers Syndrome child.
Neurotypicals process information from both internal and external sources, but because of the Aspergers Syndrome child's focus on detail they see things very differently and process information from that singularly alternate point of view. This means that not only is emotional information coming from someone else invisible, but also should it happen to be noticed at all it is usually incorrectly interpreted. Therefore social situations are usually solved by intellect and not intuition.
Children with Aspergers Syndrome have a distinctive, albeit uneven, profile of cognitive abilities ? they understand the logical and physical world and easily grasp facts arranged systematically. IQ is formally measured across four areas:- verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. Children with Asperger's Syndrome usually have a higher verbal IQ than performance IQ, however this discrepancy usually diminishes with age.
Asperger's Syndrome children have a tendency toward fragmented perception and are known to have an atypical visual perspective. This means they are often good at copying abstract patterns or reproducing Lego models accurately after briefly looking at a picture. They are usually also good at finding embedded figures in complex geometric patterns. Unfortunately this can mean that children with Asperger's can have poor categorisation abilities, because instead of recognising similarities they see differences. They can also have great difficulty distinguishing foreground from background.
A practical solution that works in helping increase Asperger children's cognitive acuity is using visual prompts such as flash cards and times tables where the background is black and the text is white. This strategy can also be utilised for art lessons, where students can use white chalk on black paper ? you'll be amazed at the increased artistic ability of children with AS using this medium.
For reading support, try ?framing? where a piece of cardboard with a small hole cut out is used to ?frame? each word as the child reads, or try covering all text on the page except the sentence being read. Also, try turning the page upside down ? you'll be impressed with the readers? improvement! AS children will naturally love ?compound? words - two words joined together to make a new word, such as blackboard. When working on spelling point out any words within words as a memory aid e.g. ?together? is to + get + her.
Children with Aspergers Syndrome have a unique perspective that needs to be accommodated and understood in all aspects of school life.