Even though I am a home body through and through, I have to admit that a time might come when I would consider switching to an older resident home that provides assisted living. To even consider such a huge change though, several conditions need to be met.
First of all, the facility I choose must allow me to be as independent as possible. Even if it would be nice to have someone clean my room, cook my meals, and drive me around, I want to have the option of doing those things myself for as long as possible. And, as I do choose assisted services, I only want to pay for the ones I need.
Being independent naturally includes having my own space. Consequently, it would be nice to find a place where residents live in something closer to apartments than hotel rooms where I can enjoy plenty of room and a kitchen with an oven, stove and fridge. That way I can cook on my own and invite family members over to a home where we can enjoy each others company in a private setting.
Second, the facility I choose needs to be a beautiful place. After all, if I am going to spend the rest of my life in a building other than my home, I want to be able to enjoy the surroundings. Gardens, water displays, and comfortably furnished common areas can all help make the place welcoming and pleasant.
Medical Expertise
Third, I want to have professional health care individuals on hand. As long as I am paying for assisted living, I want to make sure that the nurses and assistants on hand are well-trained and qualified to meet any needs that I develop with old age.
Even though there really is no place like home, there are some benefits from choosing an assisted living facility. For example, in addition to making life easier, I would consider choosing assisted living in Mesa, Arizona because of the warm weather and because of the social opportunities it would provide. After all, loneliness is one of the most common ailments of old age and having a bunch of people around me all the time would help alleviate that problem a lot.
Assisted Living For Alzheimer's
As we get older, our bodies naturally start to fall apart and suddenly things that we once considered simple tasks, can become hard or dangerous for us. Unfortunately, no one is exempt from this process. Even the healthiest individuals are not immune to ageing. One way to cope with the ever growing dangers that accompany old age is to find constant supervision and assistance.
For some adult this involves moving in with their children. In many cases, this is beneficial to both the old and the young and family relationships are strengthened through service and sharing. Sometimes this isn't possible though and other times elderly individuals feel like they would become a burden on their family if they chose this course of action. Home-based care is another option for securing medical assistance for those who want some semblance of independence mixed with the familiar environment of home. And finally, there are assisted living centers where residents receive the care they need while simultaneously becoming part of a whole new community.
Of the three options, the least favored is frequently the assisted living center. In fact, hackles often go up when concerned children mention assisted living centers to their parents. I can understand this reaction, having been to several poorly run facilities myself, but if the issue does come up it is important to remember that not all assisted living centers are created equal.
Instead of being a drab, small, funny-smelling place where little activity or conversation takes place, assisted living centers can be some of the most beautiful and active homes you will find. For example, if you are in the market for assisted living in Mesa, Arizona you will enjoy more than a pleasant temperature throughout the year.
Trained nurses can take care of any medical needs that you may have and activities for strengthening your mind, body, and social life are offered every day. Instead of cooking meals for yourself at home and eating alone, you can enjoy the flavor and variety produced by a professional kitchen in the company of several friends. And, if your family is there for a visit, private dining rooms are also available to make their time with you more intimate.
In addition to being beautiful, comfortable and safe, the most attractive quality of a good assisted living center is that it is full of activities and company. Loneliness is one of the most common and devastating side effects of old age. At a good assisted living center, this is one ailment that doesn't have to affect you.
Both Ben Needles & Art Gib are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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