Many believe that babies grow and act better when they receive an infant massage. Infant massage is a skin-to-skin connection that helps parents and an infant connect better with one another. Besides the fact that it is exciting to work with your baby, massage can help babies grow and develop better and can work to improve their digestion.
Healthcare providers have hypothesized that babies who are touched a lot grow better. There seems to be a biological connection between stroking and grooming infants and their growth. Touch stimulates growth-promoting hormones and increases the enzyme activity that makes the cells of the vital organs more responsive to the growth-promotion effects of these hormones. Human babies deprived of touch tend to show decreased hormone growth and can develop several conditions.
One can say that there is something magical about a parent's touch because touch promotes brain growth. Touch also improves digestion. Babies receiving extra touch show enhanced secretion of digestive hormones. Such babies through massage can also become better organized. They sleep better at night, fuss less during the day, and relate better to your interactions. The massage works to settle and relax the babies.
Massage can be a wonderful way to lessen stress for parent and baby. Touch conveys nurturing and love, the essential ingredients for emotional and physical growth and well being. It can be a wonderful tool for helping your infant to go to sleep at night. They can also develop a feel for their body parts by learning which areas of the body are most sensitive and which need relaxation. A daily massage helps you to get in touch with your baby, read their body language, and learn his or her cues and mannerisms.
Infant massage is especially valuable for the parent and infant who were separated after birth due to medical complication because it can help parent and baby to reconnect. An evening bonding session can definitely help parents reconnect with their baby after being away for the day. This special touch enables mothers to tune out the stress and hardships of work and regulates family life.
A parent should choose a warm, quiet, draft-free place. Place the baby on a table, grass, beach, or bed and put on soothing music. Mothers should choose a time when they are not in a hurry, not likely to be interrupted, and baby is most in need of relaxing. Some parents like to start the day off with a morning massage while others prefer the activity to be conducted before-nap or evening. Make sure to choose the right oil, because this will make the activity more comfortable for the baby.
If performed with love and patience, infant massages can help in the baby's growth and development. It can also help the mother and child connect with each other. It can also help in digestion process by relieving gas and colic. Last but not the least; it helps in promoting deeper bonding, enhancing self confidence, stimulating circulatory respiratory and gastrointestinal functions.