A unique way to integrate this theme into your next event, is by asking everyone to bring a small gift that emphasizes good mothering. For example, ask your guests to bring things like cabinet locks for the kitchen cabinets, outlet plug covers, or corner bumpers.
Another great way to play out this great baby shower theme is to ask guests to brings item such as baby books, baby carriers and other how-to books that will help the new mom and dad bond with their new baby.
Another great idea is to ask your guests to bring different age items – for example, baby onesies and hats, shoes and booties will be quickly outgrown if everyone brings the same size. Instead, you can assign a different age group to each of your guests and put that in your invitation. Don't forget about the crib gyms and pull toys and other items which are not age dependent and can be used by babies from 1 month to 12 months as well and assign those to your guests as well.
Also, first time moms are usually very anxious and apprehensive about the entire labor and delivery process especially as the date draws nearer. You can help the new mom relax by asking each of the baby shower guests to bring little notes of encouragement for her which she can read during the labor process to help her keep her focus. These notes are also a great way to relax after the labor is over and she is in recovery and will let her know that everyone is thinking of her and praying for her. You can present all the notes to the new mom by stacking them in a pile and tying an adorable bow around them for an extra special touch.
Baby Shower Favors are another great way to enhance your Baby Basics 101 theme and can also work as decorations to spruce up the party atmosphere. For example, a great way to create your own baby shower favors is to ask the new mom to write Thank you Notes for all the guests. Then attach a small gift certificate for a craft store or a similar type of store, roll It up along with the thank you note and tie it with a colorful ribbon. Then, at the end of the party, present each guest with the party favor! This is sure to be a hit with the mom as well as she will not have to worry about writing thank you notes after the party.
Follow these ideas for some inspiration and you will be sure to come up with your own great ideas to make your party unforgettable.
Sarah Mcdermott has sinced written about articles on various topics from Pets, Family Concerns and Baby Shower. This author lives in Flemington, NJ with her husband and 5 month old daughter and is an expert contributing author for a luxury baby gifts boutique offering variety. Sarah Mcdermott's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Sarah Mcdermott to your Favourites.