The exciting part of your womanhood or married life is to have a baby. Babies are known to give a different kind of happy feeling or bliss to their parents. In order to welcome this baby to the world and proudly let your family, relatives, friends, office mates know the details of your pregnancy and understand your joy, a baby shower is given. Although it is not usually initiated by the soon-to-be-parents, it is most of the time set up and scheduled by relatives or friends.
After mentioning the word baby shower the next question would be, what is a baby shower? What should we do on the said event? When and why do we have to do it? What is the purpose of such a thing?
A baby shower is a meaningful occasion for every couple who conducted it. This event can help your family and friends know that you are giving birth to a girl or boy, well, maybe even twins! This information can somehow help them choose the right colour for the gifts they will surely give when you deliver your cutie baby.
What are you supposed to do on a baby shower? Well, it's quite obvious that the main event is the baby and the mother is next in line. Where to hold such a big thing, it depends on you, you can have it on your own house, people usually do this. You can also rent or find a friend who has an access to a clubhouse or even owns one, for the said event. The best place of course is in your house or at your very own garden.
You can prepare small table or bar where there will light snacks for the gets in this social gathering. Plus, a small program and games for your guests will do. The program can start with a prayer, if you are a Christian, or a little thanksgiving will do. After which, you can follow by welcoming your guests and telling them the menu for the day.
Hence, aside from the snacks, the food is important in every get -together. This usually depends if you are holding it during lunch, dinner or during the afternoon. A big meal is considered but people usually serve finger foods only, especially if it is held in the late afternoons. However, most baby showers are typically during dinner time because, at this time, almost everyone is out of work already. Aside from this, it is a good time for relaxation with family and friends after a stressful day.
Big meals or a buffet type is great for such a time. Wines are frequently not served because the mother-to-be cannot drink. So, in respect to the condition and health of the mother-to-be, wines or any alcohols are not served. An alternative would be sodas and juices.
Moreover, an ice breaker or little playful games usually start the occasion so that everyone can get into their lively spirits. A few games can be fun and exhilarating to some but a lot of games can really drag your guests to boredom and they will start looking at their watches throughout the games. So, limit your games to maybe three to four lively ones only. You can play a guessing game. For example, you can make them guess the gender of the baby, the size of the mother's tummy, the possible name of the baby and the like.
If there will be other kids in the party, you can also have a game in stored for them. After the games you can go around and chat with everyone. Thus, a spot to place their gifts is important, if ever they have one. Opening their gifts is very traditional and sweet because you can appreciate it and give it your praises. Plus, one more important thing, during a baby shower, it is best to have a remembrance of the event, so have pictures or videos taken! This is one of the highlight of your baby's life and it is best you have something to remember it by.
Baby showers are usually done in the middle term of the pregnancy, but it is best if you can organize this once you know the gender of your baby. This will be around the fifth to the seventh month of your pregnancy. Aside from getting gifts that will be perfect for a baby boy or a baby girl, you need time to rest after your seventh month of pregnancy. You need to use that time to get ready for delivery or "labor".
The real purpose of baby showers is to help tighten family bonds and to induct the child into your family and friends who may be its god parents soon after. It is a meaningful event that will give the mom-to-be enough strength and wisdom to become a mother. Although being a mom will consume years of constant understanding to fully recognize one's role as a "mother", having friends and relatives for guidance and support is what baby showers truly portray. Being a mother is a blessing; it is a role she needs to deliver throughout her lifetime. Thus, having a baby is something most women regard as "fulfilling their purpose in life".
Baby Shower Party Decorations
Baby shower party will never be complete without baby shower party decorations. These things provide the life of the party. Without them, your baby shower party will be just any other party that is too ordinary to enjoy. There is no special moment in it. Hence, coming up with a practical but creative baby shower party decorations is a must.
For some tips on how to create or conceptualize baby shower party decorations, read on.
1. Research and read
The best way to get ideas on baby shower party decorations is to do some research. Using the Internet could be the most important activity you can ever make. The Internet has millions of facts and ideas regarding baby shower decorations. You can get ideas that are focused on low-budget parties or for very special baby shower parties.
2. Budget
The most important thing that you have to consider when conceptualizing baby shower party decorations is your budget. Your budget should tell you the items you can or cannot have.
For instance, if you have a low budget, getting special but expensive items will only get you in trouble. Hence, try to allocate your resources to these things that can help enliven the party without having to compromise your budget.
3. Time
Before you conceptualize your baby shower party decorations, it is best that you plan your time frame first. Will your schedule allow you to make the decorations that you have in mind? Aside from the budget, the time allocated for making the decorations is also important.
Of course, you would not want your guests to be waiting for possible confirmation of the party just because you cannot get on with the finalities because your baby shower party decorations are delayed.
4. Flowers
Flowers will always soften the venue. Whatever the party is, flowers will always bring out that soft spot in the area. However, it is best to use flowers that are appropriate for your baby's shower party. You may use baby's breath as the main decorative flower ion the party.
The idea is to create a special venue for the party and decorations will surely add life to the area. Keep in mind that you do not have to put so many baby shower party decorations. Simple is still the best.
5. Creativity
Work on your creativity. It is best to use baby shower party decorations that are not too common. You may use the same concept but try to give them some twist.
For instance, you can still use balloons as decorations but instead of the usual hang-them-on-the-ceiling thing, you can use them as bubbles. Try to get a tub and fill it with your baby's items. Then fill it up with balloons. This will create an artistic impression that you have small bubbles in the tub.
Both Christa Kowalczyk & Tim Lee are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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A Guide For Parents And Teachers If you must be late, call your babysitter and let them know.When you arrive home, dont forget to ask your babysitter how it went, if there were any problems or if they have any concerns