Teen years can be very stressful. Do you ever feel disown, grouchy, lazy, hateful, mean, or just want to act ugly? You are a victim of Bad Attitude Syndrome. It takes more than a few strategies to turnaround serious problem behaviors, so if you like these exciting, more effective approaches, are sure to order all the interventions you need.
We have bad attitude-busters for every imaginable reason that a child can offer to explain their demeanor. We even have surprising methods for teens who say that they plan to "just deal drugs" or "go on welfare." We have equally compelling methods for youngsters who constantly say they "don't care," and we have especially unusual approaches for youth who seem absolutely unable to act in a civil manner. From our years of training youth professionals, we have amassed the best, most creative attitude-busting ideas that exist.
Have you experienced problems, conflicts, challenges or frustrations in parenting your adolescent? Is your teenager ever moody, sarcastic or negative? Does their behavior ever hurt your feelings, "push your buttons" or leave a residue of anger and resentment? Have you ever been the target of the legendary teenage "glare," which can devastate your confidence and spirit? Has your child displayed defensive or defiant body language like folded arms, rolled eyes, tightened jaws or clenched fists? Have you seen other behaviors, maybe less dramatic, that are nevertheless deeply disturbing?
Most parents of teens have experienced bad attitudes and disrespectful interchanges. It's not fun, but it is normal. Most teens are rude and disrespectful some of the time. This seems to be one of the ways they react to their internal turmoil. Rebellious behavior can also be a way for them to feel some degree of power in a family and a world where they often feel totally powerless, regardless of the reality.
Another biological difference in a teenager's brain makes them more likely to misread facial expressions. This could explain and potentially cause problems in interpersonal relationships, especially between parents and their teens. If you don't explicitly tell them what you're feeling and wanting, they will most likely guess wrong.
Because their brain's wiring is still in process, adolescents may have special problems setting goals, establishing priorities, planning, organizing and controlling impulses. They may have serious difficulties seeing the long-term consequences of their short-term behaviors or evaluating risks they're taking. Can you see how this plays out in the behaviors, reactions and choices of your adolescent?
You may need to change how you speak to and with your child, perhaps even your younger ones. (That may be where some of the trouble started.) When I hear basic conversations between parents and their children, I think "No wonder" that the children now have bad attitudes. Disrespect is so common. I trust that the Lord will start speaking to your heart about this.
Another thing commonly lacking is physical affection. This can do wonders for a relationship and can heal and bond.
You have a very tough job: redefining or renegotiating your authority with your teen. Just when you were starting to feel reasonably comfortable and competent in your parental role, you may now be experiencing what seem to be endless and exhausting tugs of war over who sets the rules, where the boundaries are and what are the limits.
As children approach the teen years, parents often fear the worst: that their sweet, innocent offspring will turn into wild things ? new, unrecognizable creatures that they no longer know, or even want to know. God wants you to exchange those bad attitudes for better ones. When suffering from Bad Attitude Syndrome, our only hope is prayer and cooperation with God. He tells us that we should not trust our feelings. Jesus has the good attitudes and the cure for this syndrome. They are described as, "Fruits of His Spirit" in the Bible. You might have learned to ask yourself.
Many parents know they have a troubled teen on there hands, as these warning signs of bad attitude will help tell. The question many parents have is "What do I do!" or "what are my options? If you have any suggestions for how to improve this site or any questions pertaining to these sites, feel free to go:
They can be of great help. They are user-friendly guide for professionals who supervise, manage, teach, or treat teenagers who get into trouble.
Harry Johnson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Software, Kids and Teens and Travel and Leisure. About Author: Harry JohnsonFor listings please visit http://www.restoretroubledteens.com/ (Troubled Teens & Troubled Teen Resources). Harry Johnson's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Harry Johnson to your Favourites.
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