You might be wanting to look into bad credit home improvement loans but are unsure of where to start. After all, how do you get a good loan when your credit isn't the greatest?
What you probably don't realize is that there are a number of lenders who offer bad credit home improvement loans, which use the equity of your home or other real estate to determine the amount of the loan with no additional collateral needed.
Bad credit home improvement loans can be used to make repairs to your home or real estate, or they can finance expansions, new buildings, or any number of home improvement projects. The key to getting these loans is knowing where apply and what they're looking at once you do.
Finding places to apply
A variety of banks, finance companies, and other lenders offer various bad credit home improvement loans. Many of these lenders advertise this fact with print, television, and radio ads... however, the ones with the flashier ads will often have you paying for their advertising costs with extra fees and higher interest rates.
The best place to start looking for loans is the bank or credit union where you have previous accounts... cheques, savings, or even other loans. Since you're a repeat customer, you might even get a reduced interest rate. Don't take the first offer that you get, though, unless you're certain that you won't be able to beat it elsewhere. Get at least four or five different quotes before deciding on one so that you can make the most informed decision.
Borrowing against equity
Bad credit home improvement loans base the amount that you borrow off of the equity of your home or real estate, which is the amount of the mortgage or home loan that you've paid off. 100% equity means that you own the home or real estate completely, whereas 30% equity means that a bank or lender has a lien or legal claim to it and you've only paid off 30% of the money that you borrowed to purchase it.
The more equity you have in your home the larger the amount you'll be eligible for when you apply, and may also cause you to have lower interest rates if the equity is high in comparison to the loan amount you'e requesting.
Three month credit repair
Having bad credit can be a stigma that can take years to get rid of, but in some cases the effects of your efforts can be seen in as little as three months.
Begin trying to pay off as much of your outstanding debt several months before you begin shopping for loans, making sure to make all of your payments on time. This will create a small bubble of positive reports in your credit history, which some potential lenders will see as a sign that you're making an effort to turn your finances around.
It's a good idea to start at least three months beforehand, since some creditors only report quarterly, plus, it gives you three months worth of debt reduction which is a boon regardless of everything else.
Bad Credit Home Improvement Loans
Making regular improvements to our home is a must for healthy living. So if you enforce transformations to your home but are not sure which loan to apply for, due to your bad credit then stop worrying because bad credit home improvement loans are specially designed keeping in mind people like you. With these loans you can easily avail sufficient amount of money to renovate your home.
As the name suggests these loans are meant for people suffering from bad credit status. This may happen due to arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA, bankruptcy etc. These loans are available in both the formats i.e. secured and unsecured. To avail secured genre of loans you need to pledge one of your properties as collateral against the loan amount. This can be any of your personal property like car, home, jewelry; bank account etc. Placing collateral helps you to avail them at reduced interest rate and with longer repayment duration. Under such loans you can avail an amount ranging from £5000 to £75000. The loan amount depends upon the value of the collateral placed as security. You can choose to repay the loan amount within 5 – 25 years depending upon your needs and priorities.
However if you want to bring minor changes to your home, you can opt for unsecured ones. The loan amount that can be availed is smaller compared to secured option that ranges from £5000 to £25000 with repayment duration of 1 – 10 years. Lenders charge slightly higher interest rate for unsecured bad credit home improvement loans because they don’t have any security of their money. But that should not be a matter of concern because with good research you can easily find a lender offering them at competitive interest rate.
A reasonable amount can be procured through bad credit home improvement loans to effect changes to your abode. These come in secured and unsecured forms and you are free to choose that suits you. With these loans you can not only renovate your home but also improve your credit score by regular payment of loan installments.
Both Katie George & Jennifer Morva are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Jennifer Morva has sinced written about articles on various topics from Bad Credit Loans, Debts Loans and Finances. Jennifer Morva has been associated with Bad Credit Personal Loans. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the resi. Jennifer Morva's top article generates over 301000 views. Bookmark Jennifer Morva to your Favourites.
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