It is very well documented that Omega-3 fatty acids have the ability capability to decrease irritation. It is well know that Omega-3 properties are very strong anti-inflammation.It is also a very good idea to use fish oils in the care of arthritis.It is always worth asking: does it really work and can fish oils really be considered as a cure?
As with most alternative medicine therapies, there is not yet sufficient research to conclude whether fish oil is truly efficacious in relieving the symptoms associated with arthritis. However, early research is encouraging.
Recent clinical trials and laboratory studies have concluded that fish oil, because of its omega-3 structure, may be helpful in reducing the feelings of stiff morning muscles and tender joints that so many arthritis sufferers experience. Researchers have not yet concluded the appropriate dosage for maximum effectiveness, nor how long treatment should last.
It has been found, by the researchers that there are possible side effects to taking fish oil supplementation. The main one being the increasing risk of the ability of blood to clot. For a few people, taking fish oil can affect the lenght of time it will take for their blood to clot. This being the case, if a person is taking medications that affect their blood, it is a very important issue.
Fish oil supplementation has also been shown to interact with blood pressure medications. Apparently, taking fish oil supplements while taking high blood pressure medications may cause their blood pressure to lower significantly.
Another possible risk of supplementing with fish oil is that fish can often contain significant levels of contaminants. Fish are often found to be unsafe because of their mercury level. Consuming fish oils could pose a risk, particularly to young children, and women who are pregnant or nursing. Fishes with the highest levels of mercury include swordfish, tuna, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark.
To steer clear of these risks, do ensure to find a low-mercury fish. To find this information can frequently be tricky, one way is to call the producer and ask about the mercury levels of their product.
The good news: beside these risks, consuming fish oils generally causes very few side effects. The side effects that do exist are relatively minor, and may consist of stomach disturbances and gas.
On the fringe of current arthritis treatment, Glucosamine and Chondroitin have not yet been proven by medical research to have health benefits for arthritis sufferers, so why have these two dietary supplements become all the rage?
Recent research has found that both supplements do contain anti-inflammatory properties, and that they have anti-inflammatory effects in some animals.
Having said all that, many faithful users do sing the praises of these two supplements.I am among them and take Glucosamine and Chondroitin with Aloe Vera in a drink called Freedom ( see my site for details )
I have put togehter some information to see if these supplements are right for you, because you need to know; will they work for me?
What is Glucosamine?
Glucosamine is beneficial to sufferers of osteoarthritis pain -- both humans and pets.It is found naturally in the body and can be extracted from animal tissue( crab,lobster or shrimp shells ) Glucosamine has been proven effective in easing osteoarthritis pain, rehabilitating cartilage, renewing synovial fluid, and repairing joints that have been damaged from osteoarthritis.
With the potential to heal or repair damaged joints and slow down the progression of arthritis, glucosamine has become an immensely popular dietary supplement around the world. However, it has been suggested in a few clinical reports that there are side effects that even health practitioners were initially unaware of. One woman reported that her diabetes symptoms worsened after taking glucosamine.The reason is that Glucosamine is ten times as potent as regular glucose in causing insulin resistance in animals. Glucosamine can increase fasting blood sugar levels and worsen glucose tolerance.These side effects can occur because glucosamine activates a metabolic pathway in the body that leads to the deterioration of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas and causes insulin resistance, two factors associated with diabetes.
Like Glucosamine, Chondroitin (or Chondroitin sulfate) can also be found in the fluid surrounding the joints. It can also be found in cattle and sharks.
Chondroitin is safe and relatively free of side effects when used at the recommended daily dosage, at least, that is for short periods of time.There are some people might experience a very mild stomach upset. A few studies have investigated the safety and effectiveness of chondroitin when used for long periods of time.
Conclusion:The consensus is that Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements might lessen pain in some patients with osteoarthritis. Many doctors now believe it is worth trying these supplements for osteoarthritis. They appear to be safe, but doctors are warning patients that the quality and effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin varies because of the non-regulation. If you want to try them, buy high quality products from a reputable source.
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