When you purchase your new car, car dealers often try to talk you into getting a car finance loan with their in-house financing department. It is often easier and less restrictive to get a loan with dealers than with banks, but the down side is that these car finance loans often come at higher interest rates.
If you decide to use your dealer's car finance loan, do make sure to negotiate for a lower interest rate. There should be some negotiation room as dealerships usually have several loan sources, each with its own interest rate level, such as the manufacturer's credit company or the local bank. You should also investigate other sources, such as your bank or credit union.
You should seriously consider a car loan refinancing if you initially did not get 0% to 3% APR from the dealer or the bank. By refinancing your car loan, your current loan is paid off with the new loan coming from a different lender at a lower interest rate. You can now save more money with the lower monthly car loan payments thanks to the lower interest rates. You will also be able to accelerate your car loan payoff in a shorter period of time.
It makes more sense to refinance your loan earlier as the interest is usually paid in the earlier payments. The earlier you apply, the more money you can save. However, if you refinance after the fourth year your savings will not be as much and thus not worthwhile.
When shopping for different refinance car loan packages, make sure to evaluate them not just on the interest rates offered. Compare also other fees related to the loan, prepayment penalties, and the terms for the conversion options. You should also find out the lock-in period for the different loan packages. The lock-in period is the period in which the interest rate quoted to you is guaranteed, and ranges from 30, 45 to 60 days. The longer the lock-in period, the higher the price of the refinance loan.
With your savings from refinancing, you need to put it to good use. If you continue to make the same payment amount, you will be able to reduce the principle owed much quicker. If you lower the monthly payment to the new required amount, you won't be paying it off sooner, but at least you will be paying less.
Bank Of India Car Loan
In-store Finance
This is finance offered by retailers to pay for large home purchases over a set time scale. Often 0% is offered for a set period and often payment is deferred for a set period too.
Defined broadly in finance as either:
1. Value accrued on an investment – for example, a bank will pay you interest on your savings.
2. A charge accrued on borrowed money usually calculated as a percentage of the total borrowed.
A pre-arranged agreement to borrow a set amount including charges over a fixed time.
Loan Sharks
Loan sharks are unregulated people who will offer you a borrowing service, on your doorstep, at grossly inflated rates of interest and can be unorthodox in their treatment of default on payments.
Not recommended.
Minimum Guaranteed Final Value (MGFV)
Minimum Guaranteed Final Value is what a vehicle is worth at the end of a Personal Contract Purchase subject to the estimated mileage not being exceeded. If this is the case you pay the agreed figure at the end of the contract. If the mileage is exceeded you will be penalised for this.
Personal Contract Hire (PCH)
Personal Contract Hire is a hire agreement for a lengthy period of time at a fixed cost available to private individuals as well as companies. A monthly rental cost is agreed on including mileage and car maintenance and servicing.
Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)
Personal Contract Purchase is the leasing of a vehicle over a set period at a fixed monthly amount and at the end of the term you have the choice to either buy it outright or return it with nothing more to pay.
Payment Protection Insurance (PPI)
Payment Protection Insurance will pay out if you cannot make payments on a mortgage, loan or credit cards because you cannot work through no fault of your own. It can be costly and sometimes you can be charged excessively for it.
Secured Loan
A secured loan is borrowing guaranteed against an asset like your home. If you default on payments your home can be repossessed. You can usually borrow larger amounts with a secured loan.
Standing Order
A standing order is an arrangement to electronically transfer a set amount regularly usually to pay rent or repay a loan.
Store cards
Store cards are the same as credit cards offered by certain stores to encourage spending with them but their interest rates are often higher than average.
Sub Prime Lending
Some people fall into the ‘sub prime lending' category – they may have a low credit rating, have defaulted on bill payments or to repay debt previously, or be self-employed or unemployed.
Unauthorised Overdraft
If you exceed your available funds without a prior arrangement with your bank a stop may be put on your account and you will be charged.
Unsecured Loan
Is a loan without any form of guarantee against repayment. The amount you will be able to borrow will be much less however.
Variable Interest Rates
A variable interest rate will alter in line with the Bank of England's decisions unlike a fixed rate. They define the rate for borrowing and lenders adjust their rates accordingly.
Both Susan Jan & Sheila Challiner are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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