Barley grass is high in calcium, contains all 20 amino acids, and is great at helping the body heal itself.
This super food is becoming the most popular drink among celebrities as they've seen its ability to reduce wrinkles, increase energy, and improve nail and hair growth.
Proper alkalinity, as scientists have discovered, is key to the health of the body. The leading scientist on this matter, Dr. M.T. Morter, has discovered that acid cells are actually the cause of aging. In fact, it's not the body getting older that causes wrinkles and saggy skin, but the acidification of the body.
And what causes the acidification? A lack of alkalizing substances in the body. What Dr. Morter and others have discovered is that barley grass is a great way to alkalize the body naturally. Why? Because barley contains a host of alkalizing minerals, including 11 times the calcium of milk, 5 times iron of spinach, and a large range of other minerals, including Potassium, Magnesium, and Manganese.
When looking for a barley grass supplement, search for one that is NOT heat treated. Heat destroys the good amino acids found in this barley green supplement. Barley green typically comes in powder or tablet form. The tablets will contain a small portion of binding material to make the powder stick together, but for the powder, make sure that you're buying 100% barley grass powder. (Otherwise, you'll be paying for fillers that don't do you a lot of good.)
To take barley grass powder, mix it with some apple, orange, or tomato juice and gulp it down. (We suggest the barley grass ( powder from - a Nutritional Supplements company) For those that are quite acid, start with just a small amount - less than a half a teaspoon, and gradually over the month, increase to a teaspoon 3 times a day. Spreading out the dosage gives your body more time to uptake the nutrients.
Barley grass is also great in fruit smoothies.
After a month on barley grass, you will notice a change in your body. Any physical ailments will likely have gotten better, your skin will be glowing, and most importantly, you'll be feeling better both physically and surprisingly, mentally.
Even after your first glass of barely grass juice, you'll likely feel a bit lighter and have a clearer mind.
Do what the celebrities are doing. Become a barley grass believer!
Brian Balster has sinced written about articles on various topics from Acid Reflux, Nutrition and Health. Brian Balster writes for The Healthy Times, a Health & Wellness Newsletter. For more information on barley grass visit Brian Balster's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Brian Balster to your Favourites.
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