If you make a series of poor lifestyle choices, however, and it is your health that suffers no amount of money in the world will allow you to buy your health back. Yet most people make more mistakes when it comes to their health than any other aspect of their life.
This is why there are more cases of virtually every disease than ever before. More people are seeing doctors than ever before. More people are on more prescription drugs than ever before. People are more stressed out than ever before.
It is the dietary and lifestyle choices people make that drastically affect their health. With a little education and discipline, however, all of that could be reversed. One such dietary alteration that can be made is to make a commitment to gluten free living.
Problems Gluten Free Living Can Eliminate
There a host of problems that people can avoid if they prescribe to gluten free living. There are a number of minor discomforting conditions that people who have low tolerance for gluten may exhibit and there are also serious reactions that the body may undergo under certain circumstances.
Additionally, there is always the potential for a serious disease to develop from the ingestion of gluten. Now, this is not presented herein as a way of frightening anyone. Rather, this information is presented to make people aware of the potential benefits of gluten free living, as reducing gluten consumption may be a healthy move for you.
How To Start Living Gluten Free
To start you need to realize that you are obviously going to have to change your diet. Nothing is easy and seeking to live a diet that is completely gluten free will require a little discipline. There may be a need to get used to the new and unique gluten free foods.
To identify gluten free foods simply read the ingredients of what you are buying. If it contains gluten don't buy it. Most pasta and wheat products contain gluten. However there are also many gluten free alternatives to the foods you love.
If you would like to learn about these simply pick up a gluten free guide or a gluten free cookbook. There are many available in health food stores and on the Internet. They contain tons of information about gluten intolerance, what foods to avoid, and what food you can eat as well as many substitutes for the foods you love that normally contain gluten.
Yes, this may sound simple, but it can be tough to put into action. Again, a little discipline will go a long way. But what do you have to live for if you don't have your health? Start making an effort to make smarter choices when it comes to your food. Your body will thank you for it.
Benefits Of Gluten Free Diet
When going down the isles of any health food store, you'll find more and more cereals, breads, crackers, desserts, and supplements that claim to be gluten-free. Gluten refers to the peptides in wheat, rye, and barley that are problematic for gluten-sensitive individuals and cause great amounts of damage to the small intestine of those with celiac disease. About two million people in the US have celiac disease, and possibly more that have yet to be diagnosed. Gluten-free foods can help people with celiac disease, as well as many other conditions, feel better. There is currently no FDA regulation that defines the term "gluten-free" in labeling of foods, as long as the claim is not misleading.
Many companies currently provide an extensive selection of gluten-free supplements so that they can meet the needs of gluten-free living. For those consumers desiring a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement, there are large varieties available from many different manufacturers. Many manufacturers are trying to create a product that is able to support the digestion of gluten. They want the peptide to be broken down so that its individual amino acid will no longer damage the gut or create food sensitivities.
Supplemental digestive enzymes have been shown to give an increased advantaged to those who use a gluten-free diet along with enzymes. The Salba seed was recently introduced to those suffering from any level of gluten intolerance as a good source of fiber. It is the perfect solution because it is extremely high in fiber content for every serving and is a whole food source of fiber, which makes it better for you than a supplement that is manufactured solely to deliver fiber. Salba can be purchased as a seed and ground and pure cold-pressed oil. Because the vast majority of gluten-free foods that are available today are manufactured for great taste instead of nutrition, Salba is a great solution because it can be incorporated into gluten-free foods. Therefore, adding all the nutrition that is lacking in the products themselves, without adding any taste. Salba is also assimilated into the body easily because it is a whole food.
By not labeling the absence or presence of gluten on products, retailers and consumers are greatly challenged. Although wheat is one of the major gluten-containing grains, it's important to remember that rye, barley, and other grains are also a source of gluten. Retailers are able to help consumers determine which supplements are gluten-free by being more knowledgeable about ingredients containing gluten that are included in dietary supplements. For example, grains are used in the processing of many ingredients, so it is often necessary to seek out the hidden gluten. Among those ingredients that should be avoided by consumers seeking gluten-free products are modified starch, vegetable gum, and caramel. Gluten-intolerant consumers often deal with the issue of managing their own health while being around those who do not have to handle gluten-intolerant issues. Due to Salba's neutral taste and ease of use, it is the perfect solution of gluten-free and non gluten-free members who are found in the same household and eating the same foods. Salba can help the whole family to improve their health dramatically.
Both Brue Baker & Darrell Miller are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Brue Baker has sinced written about articles on various topics from Food And Drink, Nutrition and Alternative Medicine. Brue M. Baker, is an expert on natural health and fitness who has helped people from across the world sky-rocket their health and well-being. Rather than hitting your head against a wall trying to find unbiased health information let Brue take you by the. Brue Baker's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Brue Baker to your Favourites.
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