Or perhaps, you may have heard or learned that the best day and time is from Tuesday to Thursday and between 10am to 2pm. The reasons I could possibly think of for this suggestion could be this. People will be feeling Monday Blues on Monday and will most likely not be motivated to buy anything. On Friday, people will be having week-end mood and only think of what to do during the week ends. They might say, "I will buy later". Whereas on Saturday and Sunday, people will not want to be disturbed by the advertisement.
In general, these reasons sound logical and I believe that surveys and studies must have been carried out by the industries. The results could be right and this could be just the industry average. However, this result may not fit into your target market. You definitely do not want to tap into the average traffic time slot for your target market. You would want to aim for the time slot that you can gain maximum traffic. Why should you settle for less if you can get the maximum traffic at your own day and time? In the worst case, you many not even get the average traffic when you follow the suggestions.
So, should you follow this guideline? This is, strictly follow the Tuesday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm rules? Probably not. Why? This is because you have to see which market segment you are targeting. As you are aware, from 10am to 2pm, the 16 year-old are still in school. So, if you are targeting the 16 year-old, you many have to use other more appropriate day and time.
As you can see from the example, the day and time to send out email promotion will largely depends on your target market. The general rules many not be applicable to your target market.
As mentioned before, when do you send out your email promotion campaign will depend on the availability of your target audience to read them. Apart from analyzing your target market's behavior, one other more definite method to check which day and time to send email to your target market is to check your web site traffic. You can check your web log and see at what time and day your web site receives the most traffic. Use those information and set the day and time for your email promotion campaign. This is one of the most fool-prove way to determine the day and time.
You have to capitalize the day and time where your website receives the maximum traffic and try to convert them in buying customers. If you are managing your own website, you should not have any problem collecting these information.
There is absolutely no reason why you should following the industry rules if you have your own set of rules that works for you. Set your own day and time for you email promotion campaign based on your actual traffic data is the best policy.
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