Medical hair transplants are used by many people every year with surprising results to over come this problem. But hair transplant is the last solution of hair loss problem. Some hair loss remedies are available in the market for hair loss prevention. Moreover, you can stop hair loss with the use of best hair loss products (allopathic). With the use of hair loss products, you can simply stop hair loss, no new hair growth will occur.
Alopecia or male pattern baldness is not a scalp related problem. Alopecia occurs as a result of chemical reaction between oil glands found in the hair follicle and testosterone. When testosterone (male hormone) transforms into DHT, reaction causes follicle to shrink. But there are hair loss products available on the market, which works against the production of DHT. You must buy a hair loss product, which contains ingredients like pro-vitamin B5, saw and palmetto zinc. These kinds of hair loss product are designed to keep your hair on your head.
If you want to stop hair loss, you are recommended to use hair loss products like Propecia and Rogaine. These hair loss products are available at drug stores and you can even order Rogaine online. If it is already late and you are bald or have significant thinning, then you must think for a hair loss treatment. Medical hair restoration will be the best option for your problem. Results will be full head of natural hair. This process is not painful, but you will feel some swelling and discomfort. Your dermatologist will help you to select a hair loss product or hair transplant process, which will meet your expectations.
Best Hair Loss Products
So don't throw away your money by buying a hair loss product without doing a proper research. A lot of hair loss products make false claims e.g. they state that they are clinically proven, but in fact they are not.
Are you confused? You don't have an idea which hair loss product on the market is the best for you? Honestly, no one can answer this. One person might feel a particular product gave great results, another person claims that it is of no use. In case you are a multi millionaire with lots of money, you may try all these products!
The most important thing you should know is that no product on the market will give you results overnight. All of them may consume long time may be even years together for you to see marginal results.
In most cases hair loss products prescribed by doctors are giving better results than hair loss products available in drugstores.
It is always advisable to spend considerable time to find the cause for your hair loss rather than searching for hair loss products. If you found the reason for your hair loss problem than you are half way there! As in most cases hair loss is caused by a wrong diet, a lack of vitamins and minerals, medication or stress, correcting these factors may easily cure your hair loss.
Most individuals suffering from hair loss may choose herbal hair loss products due to the fact that there are no side effects. When selecting a hair loss product you should always make sure the product restores dead hair follicles and supports hair growth.
It is also highly recommend to search for hair loss products on the internet. You can easily identify scam hair loss products as they claim that they will completely stop hair loss within x days!
There are no legitimate products on the market with the ability to do this. Women should not use these hair loss products because they may cause hair growth all over the body- not just on the head.
You may also try herbal hair loss since you can get these products without doctor's prescription. Although these pills are herbal in origin, some of them might have side effects. So again: contact your physician before taking any kind of pills.
Both Paton Jackson & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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