Alopecia is a big problem for most men and the predicament has been scraping the scalp of women too. Hair has always been described as one's crowning glory; so loss or thinning of hair can lead to loss of self-respect. Luckily, hair regrowth products are now easily available. And while it is true that some are nothing but quack remedy, there are hair regrowth products that do work.
There are thousands of hair regrowth products in the market and to choose the best one can make you lose more hair. Instead, why not judge them based on their ingredients? More likely, the best hair products being sold in cosmetic shops and supermarkets have similar ingredients.
If you are looking for the best hair regrowth products, always remember that treatments that make use of natural elements are always the most effective. To help you in deciding which hair regrowth product is the best, always read the ingredients printed at the back of the bottle and make sure that most or all of the following ingredients are present.
Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto berries have sterols and fatty acids that can help in hair growth. This plant is similar to palms and is found in abundance in North America. Saw palmetto is basically an inhibitor of dihydrotestosterone or DHT, an androgen that plays a significant role in the thinning or loss of hair. The extracts from this plant can decrease the level of DHT being absorbed by hair follicles; hence, the follicles can again start the process of growing hair.
Borage Seed Oil
A substance known as gamma linoleic acid is a good fatty acid that produces prostaglandin which, in turn, can help delay hair recession in men. While plants like black currant and evening primrose are also good sources for gamma linoleic acid, studies have shown that borage seeds have the richest levels of the good fatty acid. A measured portion of up to 500 milligrams of borage seeds everyday may be able to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth instead.
Green Tea Extract
The catechin substance found in tea is known to block certain enzymes in the body that can trigger hair loss or thinning. Although all types of tea come from the same species in the plant kingdom, green tea is said to have the most potent contents of catechins because it is produced without the need for fermentation or drying. Extract from green tea is known to have antibacterial and antiseptic properties; but more than these characteristics, green tea extract is rich in nutrients that help nourish follicles and ensure healthy hair growth. It has also been used to fight off dandruff.
Finally, one of the most effective extracts that can help you grow your hair comes from habanero, which is a type of small and extremely hot tropical pepper. Habanero is proven to stimulate the flow of blood to the follicles. This speeding up of blood flow provides the follicles with more nutrients and it also hastens the division of cells that result to improved hair growth.
One final note before you go on a shopping spree for products that can help you grow back your hair; keep in mind that lifestyle can be a contributing factor in baldness. So you might want to complement your choice of the best hair regrowth products with a change in some aspects of your lifestyle. Doing so will increase your countermeasures against the advancement of baldness up your head.
Best Hair Regrowth Products
There are many different types of Hair Regrowth products coming out these days as the number of people experiencing early to mid life hair loss climbs. Where people used to have full heads of hair until their latter years, the past few generations have had a steadily increasing number of cases of hair loss as early as their mid twenties or thirties. There are many theories as to why, and just as many solutions coming out to fight this problem. Most of the medical solutions to combat hair loss are fairly effective, though to date there is no single 100% effective medication for hair loss. Instead, each treatment product out these days has it's own pros and cons which you should look at to determine which one is applicable for you.
The most important thing you should consider is the reason for your own hair loss. There are many different factors which affect hair loss, and by far the hardest one to combat is genetics. If your parents, uncles, aunts or grandparents suffer from hair loss patterns which are quite similar to yours, then you're in a bit of trouble. Genetic inherited hair loss is the hardest to cure by medicine, and having hair transplanted via surgery may be your only viable option. There are hair growth shampoos and ingested medicines which claim to promote healthy hair growth, and these may be an option for you. While these won't restore bald spots, they will at least promote the growth of your remaining patches of hair so that you can cover up (literally) the problem spots. There are actually hair regrowth medications which claim to combat inherited hair loss, but to date none of these are really proven to be 100% effective.
Other factors which contibute to hair loss are environmental or chemical in nature, like using too much hair spray or being constantly exposed to chemical dust at work which can kill off your hair follicles. In these cases, you should look for mild-acting medicines which promote slow, gradual growth of hair. Don't look for "overnight fixes" which are meant to cause rapid hair growth. These in themselves may actually amplify a hair loss problem if it was caused by extremes of chemical exposure to begin with.
Another factor is dietary. While there are no foods which cause hair loss in and of themselves, there ARE physical ailments like allergies which do cause hair loss, and if you take in certain kinds of food which make these ailments worse, then your hairline goes byebye as a by product. If this is the case, you don't need hair regrowth medication to handle the problem. Attack the situation at it's source - take medication to cure the physical ailment first and avoid foods which make it worse. When the ailment is treated, more often than not you'll find that your hair will restore itself naturally.
Lastly, another source of hair loss is psychological. One of the most common psychological causes of hair loss is stress. In these cases, you CAN use most any form of hair regrowth medication to retard the problem. However, you must also accompany this medication with a life style change that takes you away from your sources of stress and anxiety. Without such a change in lifestyle the medication you take for hair loss will offer only a temporary solution at best.
John Tulley has sinced written about articles on various topics from Site Promotion, RSS and Hair Care. About the author: John Tulley manages the Alpha7 Provillus hair regrowth web site. Our web site has more detailed information on the most effective herb. John Tulley's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark John Tulley to your Favourites.
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