Almost everybody seems to be talking about Web 2.0 these days. Never mind the fact that many people throw around the term without knowing too much about it.
Do you do that too? Don't worry. You're not alone. But it's time you explored what it was.
Before we get into Web 2.0 software and define what it is in dry as dust terminology, take a moment to answer my question: What do these websites have in common: wikipedia, and Ning?
The answer is simple really. They are all websites that aim to use the power of the information highway (a.k.a the Internet) to hook people together. They look to users to create quality content, share expertise and provide balanced opinions (and checks) through social interaction. Their fundamental ideology is this: people have an axe to grind, so, why not let them do it in public? Give them a place to express themselves and the resulting system will grow exponentially. Obviously, social networks built around a common theme are quite successful.
Web 2.0 decoded
Web 2.0 marketing strategies consist of a number of Internet marketing software that operate on the belief that when you invite your users to create and contribute to your content pool, you will get unbelievable volumes of traffic. Participating in these kinds of strategies can raise your profile and help you promote your business, products or services.
As you know, there is a hot race to possess certain pockets of data. So, what do you do if you're not the only one to own that data? The next best thing. Shout the loudest, so people flock to you for information and don't go to your competitors for it. The one who shouts the loudest gets the meatier portion. It's as simple as that. Harnessing collective intelligence is how O'Reilly defines it. Directing hordes of traffic is how web masters see it.
"Getting repeat visits from users is what selling is about."
People who browse the net have very short memories and they will dump you if you don't keep yourself in the full blast of their view.
"Social Bookmarking is a potent Web 2.0 Marketing strategy. "
It helps you attract targeted traffic to your website.
Is it really everything it's made out to be?
If you run a website, you already have an idea of the adrenalin rush that web masters feel when they open their web page and see a sudden explosion in the number of hits their page landed. You open your inbox and there is a clump of messages clamoring for attention. 'Delighted' does not nearly explain the feeling. I mean, how do you feel when you're almost dead sure that there's a pot of gold waiting for you just around the corner?
Social bookmarking is one of the most potent types of Web 2.0 software used to build traffic to your website. I am talking about serious web traffic, the kind that registers hundreds of new visitors and a couple of thousands of repeat visitors every day. Yes, with social bookmarking, this scenario is more than doable.
So, let us get you started on the social bookmarking gig right away.
Best Of Web 2.0
As the head honcho in your advertising department, you know full well that you need to make every advertising dollar count. Between print media, radio, television, and the internet, perhaps the one media source that can offer the biggest bang for your dollar is that of web 2.0 advertising. Don't believe it? Take a look at this simple set up provided on such sites as
Basically, buy purchasing a simple 60x60 square; you can potentially have a return of eight times your investment. Even if you're beginning your advertising adventures, you'll realize that having that kind of return on your money is a great thing. Here's how it works. You, as the advertising guru, buy a simple 60x60 square on the website and have your best graphic designers put together an eye popping image. Once the spot is entered onto the website, the surrounding 8 spots are then offered for twice the amount you paid. And guess what? For every one of the surrounding spots that are sold, you get half the profit or an instant return on your initial investment. This is just one way that 2.0 web advertising trend can work.
And don't think for a moment that this single return is all you get. Just think about it. There are millions of people surfing the internet each day. Sooner or later, a bunch of them will happen upon sites such as or Think about it, for mere cents per click, you can increase the traffic to your website, by at least four times the normal amount. What's not to like about that?
Getting a hold of this new advertising trend is not only a great way to bring more traffic to your website, it is also a great way to get your company's name out on the lips of just about every web surfer out there. Think about it; the mere fact that you have your icon on something as innovative as this means that whoever sees it, the tongues will be wagging. Besides the internet, word of mouth is still one of the most effective ways to bring customers to your door. Why not have the one two punch of this innovative web advertising trend, and the gossip of millions of people hungry for your product?
As your foray into 2.0 web advertising trends, there are a few things to remember. The first, of course, is to choose a website where you know the traffic flow will meet your needs. There are quite a few choices out there, some offering to sell for a dollar per pixel, and others basing their price on simple capitalistic principles. No matter how they charge, each of these sites will have a clear web visit counter located somewhere on the page. The higher the count, the higher the chance of your advertising dollars working their magic on the site. Also, locking into a website that is easy to navigate is a plus. Sites like, although fun, can give your potential customer a headache while viewing.
Bottom line is, in today's market, getting your product brand noticed by the masses is essential. It's no wonder why thousands of companies worldwide are using this type of web 2.0 advertising trend to help their business. Why not use this innovation for yours?.
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