Although part of the appeal of betta fish is that they can be kept without the need for a large aquarium or with a complicated filtration system, betta fish care does require some effort. Betta fish are beautiful when kept healthy and happy, and this article will give you the basics on how to achieve just that.
One important factor in betta fish care is to use a container that allows the fish to swim around a bit. Bettas can of course survive in the little jars they are often sold in, but this is far from a healthy environment and bettas in such tight quarters may fade in color and become sluggish. Bettas don't need a huge amount of space, but a little room to swim, and a decent amount of surface area for the fish to get gulps of air in are recommended. As a suggestion, a 1 to 2 gallon fish bowl is a good option.
It should be noted that bettas can jump, so it is important to put some type of cover over the top of your container (as long as it is not airtight!) to keep your fish in the water.
Water cleanliness is essential to good betta fish care. One tip for this is to be careful when feeding your betta. Uneaten food will cause bacteria to grow and cause the water to get cloudy. If you use betta food pellets, I suggest feeding just one or two at a time a few times per day. This will cut down on the problem of rotting food in the container and will help prevent the fish from being overfed, which can lead to swim bladder problems.
Frequent water changes are important to keep toxins from building up. Small containers should have at least one third of their water changed at least twice per week. Larger containers with one to two gallons of water or more can be done once per week, with about half the water being changed out.
A simple way to change your betta's water is to simply buy bottled distilled water. Distilled water is free of toxic chemicals like chlorine and has a neutral pH, which is favored by betta fish. This is a much simpler approach than using chemicals to neutralize toxins and/or balance pH.
Another important aspect of betta fish care is to keep the water relatively warm. Bettas come from tropical regions and are happiest at temperatures at about the 75 to 80 degree (Farenheit) range.
Betta fish prefer to rest on objects off of the bottom of the container, so some decorations are a good idea. It is important to use objects that are smooth and don't have any sharp edges, because the betta's fins are very delicate and can be easily damaged. Even artificial plants can damage a betta if the material is too hard.
By following these tips, you are well on your way to having your betta stay healthy and showing a wonderful display of its vibrant colors. A bright, active fish is your reward for good betta fish care.
George Best has sinced written about articles on various topics from Fitness, Allergies and Backpain. George Best is a betta fish enthusiast. For detailed tips from a true expert on bettas who has actually travelled to Southeast Asia to learn from the masters of caring for and breeding bettas, George recommends you visit the expert's site on. George Best's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark George Best to your Favourites.
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