Detox, short for detoxification, is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. Although detox can be thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence, the definition I am using refers to the use of diets, supplements, and other methods of removing environmental and dietary toxins from the body for general health.
The detox process in one form or another has been used to promote health in cultures around the world for thousands of years. Many health problems may be associated with prolonged exposure to various toxic agents that our bodies may not be able to cleanse completely. Some conditions with links to toxins include:
&bull Frequent fatigue and low energy
&bull Food allergies
&bull Irritability and mood swings
&bull Headaches/Migraines
&bull Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
&bull Skin rashes and conditions
&bull Hemorrhoids
&bull Candida infections
&bull Neurological conditions
&bull Joint and muscle pains
&bull Chronic health conditions
There are various ways that have been developed by doctors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, physical therapists and others to detox the body. Some examples include saunas, ion foot baths, clay baths, supplements, dietary methods, manual lymph massage, and manual therapies. While these can be useful, the methods I will be describing involve detox through the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and the urinary system with help of a specialized diet, supplements and Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT).
The reason I use the combination of diet, supplements and IMT for the Detox program is that it is a natural way for the body to detoxify itself. The urinary system, consisting of the kidneys, ureters and bladder help the body eliminate toxins through urine. The GI tract uses the small and large colon to help the body eliminate toxins through bowel movements. These routes of elimination are a way for the body to clear large amounts of toxins. Therefore, helping the body with this process can result in a significant amount of detoxification.
Essentially, as we are all exposed to toxins through our diets, in the air we breathe, and the water we drink, it is vital to reduce the toxins we put in our bodies by eating a nutritious diet, avoiding polluted areas, and drinking clean water. Some of us may be experiencing chronic conditions due to the many toxins that we have accumulated over the years. The toxins are stored in our fat, liver, bone, nevous system and other areas. Detoxification is not only a way to rid the body of toxins, but to give the body a fresh start and regain optimal health.
Big Deal T Shirt
Let ?s see what is it meant by link baiting in terms of a definition. Unless, you understand the term in depth, you will never know what to do about it and how to use it. Link bait is termed as the ?capture attention? trigger that is designed to collect links from other pages and hence promote the web page you are ?link baiting?.
In other words, the link bait is that ?attractive? content, which tempts others to take a peak and provide links to it.. As you build up your ?collection? of links to your web site, your organic search popularity increases as does the traffic at your website. Anything that increased traffic to your web site is good, actually great and should be included as part of your overall SEO stratagem.
There are a few basics that would make a link bait effective:
1. Be up-to-date ? pass? news will not attract the attention of people. The target web surfer is a very savvy customer, who places high value on his/her time and would not bother to look into anything that is has-been news. In order to get a second glance, you need to stay abreast with what is happening today and tomorrow ? and leave out what happened yesterday. Read a lot and stay informed. Get only the best content in the most relevant time frame.
2. Tease a little ? show just enough content to make the reader want to know more. You need to ?bait? them into going where you want them to go. Since directing them to your website can't be done through a simple request, you will need to build a compelling pull towards it through the content that you are posting. The best example of this would be through interactive forums where people give their opinions and attract a lot of comments
3. Announce your idea as news ? just having the latest information or know-how will not give you good ?link bait? results. You will need to announce it as news. People love news ad if you put it in the proper format, you will have people lapping it up in no time. You need to make the content interesting enough that people would be curious to learn about it and after satisfying their curiosity want to pass the news on.
4. Be unique ? this does not necessarily means that every time you write content it has to be original content. No ? what you need is to have it a new format; presented in a new style; from a new perspective and so on. Be challenging, be controversial and be exciting. Ask yourself ? would I want to read this? Try to connect with emotion and passion with your link bait article.
5. Ask opinions and advice ? there are very few people in this world who can resist such a invitation. People love to give their opinions and advice. They simply cannot resist this and before you know you will have an excellent thread built on your topic that would do he ?baiting? exceptionally well.
As you can see, link baiting is all about getting people's attention to the topic of your interest, and making it worthwhile for them. It is a mutation from the SEO ? and one which works better
Both Ralph Havens PT, OSC & Chuck Aikens are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Ralph Havens PT, OSC has sinced written about articles on various topics from Detoxification, detox diet and Wellness. Ralph Havens, PT, OCS Ralph received his undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University in 1981 and his masters of science degree in physical therapy from Texas Woman's University - Houston in 1985.He is a board cert. Ralph Havens PT, OSC's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Ralph Havens PT, OSC to your Favourites.
Chuck Aikens has sinced written about articles on various topics from Detoxification. Chuck Aikens, co-founder of Market Vertical Partners, has been in the internet marketing industry for over 10 years. His first experience in internet marketing came with the creation of ? which now holds the #1 placement for the keyword ?. Chuck Aikens's top article generates over 2400 views. Bookmark Chuck Aikens to your Favourites.
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