• Some moms feel the loss of dignity and 'not feeling attractive' is sufficient reason to banish their partners to the corridor.
• Some dads think the sight of baby being born will put them off sex with their partner in the future. Others can't bear to see their partner in pain.
Researchers at the University of Toronto suggest that women have a happier childbirth if they are supported by a trained woman rather than a stressed father-to-be. This woman could be your mother, a friend who's had a baby of her own or a doula (a professional female birth partner); her presence can have a calming effect on the mom-to-be.
Most men, however, do want to be present and, after all, the baby is half theirs. Get it right and the man's help can prove to be invaluable and many couples find it is an incredibly bonding experience.
Advice For Dads:
Go to the pre-natal classes and learn all you can about the birth, what the mom goes through, and how you can help.
Your only concern is your partner and the baby. You are there solely for them, and to help them in any way you can. It is difficult finding words of encouragement and it will feel as though your presence is not helping or appreciated - but it is.
You may see a side of your partner you've never seen before. She may shout at you, even swear at you. Take it, go with the flow, bite your tongue. If you were going through what she's going through you would probably be as bad if not worse! No, delete the 'probably'!
Birth Of The Baby
From planning out and crafting the nursery, to ordering the perfect birth announcement, every expecting parent can certainly use a hand during one of the most overwhelming times of life. The only thing that’s for certain is that the baby is coming when he or she wants to, not when you want him or her to, so you need to plan accordingly. Organizing your home before a baby arrives is just one pointer for expectant parents, as trying to sort through clothing, toys and gifts after your little one comes home is enough to send anyone over the edge. Here are a few more helpful tips for planning the birth of your baby:
--Make lists for absolutely everything, including recipients of birth announcements, shopping items and things to do. Not only will this help to clear your mind, but also it’s perfect to have handy when friends and family drop by or call to see what they can do to help!
--Lower your standards for a clean house for at least the first year. There is no way that your home can be as clean after a baby is born as it was before. Sure, you’ll need to make sure the dishes are done, bottles are clean and everyone in the family has clean clothes to wear, but other than that, you’ll have to realize that you can’t do everything. Baby comes first, parents come second, and the cleanliness of the house is way down in the double digits (up to a point—of course, cleanliness still matters).
--Have disposable cameras in every room…you never know when baby will do something truly adorable. Remember- a photo is worth a thousand words!
--Create baby areas in each major room. Have a supply of diapers, baby wipes, towels, blankets, a snack or two for mom/dad (and a bottle of water), as well as any portable feeding supplies ready in all areas of your home. This way, if baby needs a diaper change, you don’t have to go all the way to the nursery. If baby falls asleep while being held, a blanket is always nearby.
--When ordering birth announcements, have the envelopes shipped to your home ahead of time. This way, you can write out all of the addresses and attach the proper postage before baby comes. The better birth announcement printing companies offer this service and will “hold" your design until all of the technical numbers are in (birth weight, length, date and time). This should be part of your criteria when searching for the best printer to handle this important task.
--One more point in regards to birth announcements: adding a photo will make your announcement even more memorable, but you might want to wait a few weeks before taking such an important photograph. After about 14 days pass, a baby will take on more of a definitive and recognizable look. Taking the photo now (high-resolution digital prints the best) is sure to make your birth announcement one that’s treasured for generations to come.
Both Tony Luck & Alison Hodges are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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