When it comes to looking for a present for your boyfriend’s birthday, we are spoilt for choice. There are literally thousands of products to choose from, and choice comes hand in hand with difficulty in finding and deciding what to buy. From my own personal experience, I always try and narrow down my search by looking for interesting gifts which matches his interests, his hobbies and the occasion. For example, my boyfriend is a bit of a gadget and music lover- many of my gifts to him have been based around this theme. Although he loves to dress well and is quite particular in what he wears, very rarely do I buy him clothes, as 9 times out of 10 I know I will chose the wrong thing.
In this article, I will be recommending some of my top gadgets for boyfriends, based on interests and personality.
Stylish Gadget Lover
LED Mirror with Scrolling Message Board- this is a contemporary and stylish mirror with and LED message function, which can display the time and with the ability to program up to 99 messages. A perfect combination of style and hi-tech gadgetry.
Oregon DP100 Projection Radio Alarm Clock- With its modern design and innovative features, the DP100 alarm clock from Oregon makes a great gift for your style conscious gadget lover boyfriend! It includes, in addition to its vertical LCD display, a bright projection system that displays the exact time and temperature on the wall, even during the day.
Music Gadget Lover
Finger Drums- This miniature but genuinely life-like finger-sized drum kit lets him express his uncontainable musical energy in a way that will either get people to join in or to ask him to leave the room! The super finger-sensitive tiny drums include large and small tom-tom, bass drum with miniature foot pedal, snare and cymbal, so there is nothing missing. And even better, he can record what he has created.
APPLE Ipod Touch- The iPod touch is a revolutionary new iPod – and quite possibly the best ever created! It has a touch interface and the same panoramic screen seen on the iPhone, not to mention a WiFi Internet connection. In effect, the iPod touch is equipped with a revolutionary “multi-touch" interface that can put all his music and video files right at his fingertips.
’Likes to have a joke’ Gadget Lover
USB Missile Launcher- This is one of the best weaponry gadgets to have been invented, to give him the upper hand in office warfare. He can now spend hours of 'work time' mastering plans of mass annoyance on colleagues who deserve to be annoyed with a foam missile. USB controlled Missile Launcher with sound effects is controlled by a PC and fires foam darts!
Remote Controlled Fart Machine- We all remember the good old fashioned Whoopee Cushion do we not? Now he can take this hilarious farting gag to a whole new level with this remote controlled fart machine. The remote works at impressive distances and the machine produces a variety of realistic sounds, from polite little "boom-sa-lars" to a "morning after baked beans" trumpet. Very hilarious!
Fitness Freak Gadget Lover
The Powerball Techno- The Powerball, with in-built speedometer has not got anything to do with pumping dance music, but is the latest addition to the Powerball family. The primary use for the Powerball is to build strength, fitness and power with simple wrist exercises. When you set it in motion, the Techno Powerball slowly comes alive with gyroscopic force. This innovative gyroscope magically scrolls your score across the surface of the rotor. The rotor also displays an entrancing collection of 'fire-lines' as it spins, ranging from red to blue in colour, creating a truly mesmerizing Powerball effect as it gathers speed. Set the Powerball Techno in motion, build up speed and watch as your speed magically scrolls across the surface of the rotor. How fast can he go? It has been said that the Powerball is incredibly addictive.
Viatek Mobile Massage System- This mobile massage vest is an easy portable way to relieve stress due to daily pressures. The Massage Vest has four powerful motors that provide soothing relief to your shoulders and back. It can be set on individual massage modes or it can be set to alternate between the three massage modes simultaneously. For additional relaxation the heat function can be used with any massage mode. Being portable and with detachable straps, this must have massager can be strapped around the car and office seat.
The Eco-Conscious Gadget Lover
Solar Phone Charger- Pretty well self-explanatory, a solar phone charger is the must have item for a boyfriend who worries about the environment. It does not require any batteries as it is powered by the sun. Most solar phone chargers will come with adapters for use with most mobile phones.
Solar Torch- Powered solely by the sun during the day, it can be used night.
I have merely touched upon some great gadget gifts for boyfriends. There is of course a vast array of products on the marketplace. However I hope that I have helped you narrow the choice by thinking outside the box.
My Linh Duong has sinced written about articles on various topics from Gifts for loved ones, Shopping and Shopping. My Linh Duong writes articles on gifts and gift ideas. For more info on these products visit http://www.myredpacket.co.uk, a unique gift and gadget shop, with an excell. My Linh Duong's top article generates over 60500 views. Bookmark My Linh Duong to your Favourites.
Big Pile Of Money The current lack of choice may therefore be a short term problem