Perhaps the most famous artist to come from the Surrealism movement is Salvador Dali. Dali was influenced by the Dada movement, but his most famous painting, Persistence of Memory, is a Surrealistic piece that is still studied by art students across the country. Persistence of memory features melting clocks, which are often interpreted to mean that time is less rigid than we think it is.
Although Dali is famous for his Surrealistic works, the found of Surrealism is Andre Breton. Breton founded Surrealism in 1924, a movement that was influenced by the work of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Both Freud and Jung's work focused largely on the subconscious, an aspect of spirituality that many Surrealistic artists attempted to capture.
The anti-art, anti-rational Surrealist style was also captured by Bretons? automatic writings, which were published in Litt?rature, a book of dream interpretations and automatic writings. Breton also authored the Surrealist Manifesto, which was published in 1924.
A defining piece of art, one that is believed to distinctly separate Cubism and Surrealism, is The Kiss, which was painted by Max Ernst in 1927. The Kiss is a wonderfully erotic art piece that was created during the same time he became a husband. The lines of the piece were determined by dropping a piece of string on the canvas, which is a great example of Surrealist anti-art.
Giorgio de Chirico began painting in a style that was later picked up by Surrealist artists. In 1913, de Chirico painted The Red Tower, a piece which has been noted for its stark lines and contrasting colors. De Chirico also published a surrealist piece of literature, named Hebdomeros. Hebdomeros is a novel that resembles a dream, using nonsensical grammar and syntax to paint Surrealist images in the minds of its readers.
Another famous Surrealist art piece is Rene Magrittes? Treachery of Images, which is distinctly rebellious and wonderfully thought-provoking. The painting is simply a painting of a pipe, with the words ?Leci n'est pas une pipe?, or ?this is not a pipe? written under it. The piece is an excellent example of the idea that images are simply images, and that because the pipe looks like a pipe does not mean it is.
Andre Masson was also famous for his automated writings, which were often completed when Masson was in an altered state of consciousness, and Masson would go to great lengths to work unencumbered by conscious thought.
Marcel Duchamp is also famous for his surrealistic painting, and has been studied intensely. Duchamp's most famous work, Nude Descending a Staircase, is a beautifully modern piece, with roots in Cubism and well as Futurism. Duchamp has also been noted for his sense of playfulness in art, and had created pieces from such bicycles and urinals.
The surrealistic movement was born in Paris, during the onslaught of WWI. As a rejection of the brutality of the war, which was believed by the artists to be caused by too much rational thought, the artists began their anti-art, anti-rational movement. The movement transcended the 1920's to become a part of everyday culture, and can now be seen in mass media and literature across the world.
Brief History Of Art
For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last few centuries and don't know what a scrapbook is, this is it: Basically, it's just a book full of stuff. What stuff? Anything you can think of. To most people, it's a hobby of making collages full of writings, pictures, drawings or even ticket stubs, airplane tickets and museum passes. Don't be too quick to dismiss the idea of scrapbooking as childish or unimportant.
Scrapbooking, on the surface, is a simple creative outlet. But, on a deeper level, it's a way of recording our histories or notable events in our lives. Scrapbooks are a great way to express yourself or show others who you are and where you've been. Today scrapbooking is a multi-billion-dollar industry. There are scrapbooking clubs, blogs, etc. and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere in the near future.
When did Scrapbooking Start?
A ?scrap? used to be how you refer to a picture that is unmounted. People kept entire books full of unmounted pictures and those were, literally, the first scrapbooks. Scrapbooking is not a phenomenon that came about recently. Though not in their current form, the idea of scrapbooking has been around for centuries. The first scrapbooks were in use as far back as 1598.
Scrapbooks gained prominence during the Renaissance. These precursors of the modern day scrapbook were called ?commonplace books?. Hamlet writes in one saying: ?Smile and smile and be a villain.? John Locke, the philosopher, highlighted them in his manual titled: "The New Method of Making Common-place Books." In 1769 came the Granger books, books used by William Granger. Granger used this form to publish a history of England with extra illustration of the text in the appendix. Granger books were also called extra-illustrated books.
A major interest in scrapbooking came about in 1826, with the publication of ?Manuscript Gleanings and Literary Scrapbook? by John Poole. The term ?scrapbook? was, however, coined a few years prior and had until then existed under various names. During the late 1800s, Mark Twain also popularized the usage of scrapbooks by patenting a series of them in 1872.
Photography and Scrapbooking
The invention of photography took the concept of the scrapbook to another level and changed the way it was done completely. Now, it became possible to also capture scenes of the events being described in the text as well.
In the 20th century, the popularity of the scrapbook declined. This was because, during the time of the first Word War, recession caused businesses, even the business of recording happy times, to close down. Another reason was that around 1940, the mass production of photo albums started and people ignored the scrapbook as the preferred method of recording events in their lives. The resurgence in scrapbooking started with Alex Haley's ?Roots?.
Ever since, there has been renewed interest in scrapbooking and, today, it has acquired a newer shade with the introduction of digital technology.
Both Searchrankpros & Gabriel Adams are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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