If it wasn't so sad and totally unnecessary perhaps Britney Spears ruining her life in front of our very eyes would be comical. Comedian Dennis Miller refused to make light of the situation in a recent interview because it's so obvious that Britney doesn't have a clue.
I'm deeply saddened by MLM newbies all the time as they choose to fail because they won't listen to anybody, not even the people that want nothing but the best for them. We've seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of people come and go in MLM because they wouldn't even stop to consider the possibility that somebody could help them.
What is it that drives us to go our own way when we make such devastating mistakes in our lives?
Success in MLM is not life or death, however failing to reach our potential and living lives of quiet desperation is cruel and tragic in its own way. What we've seen in more than a decade of phenomenal success in MLM invigorates us and saddens at the same time.
Having lived through our own personal "downward spiral" we can come to terms with what Britney is going through and can only hope that our experience, as well as hers, might inspire somebody to turn their life around.
Mired in mediocrity for almost two years, we couldn't do anything right. Having been a successful radio and TV personality before that awful time in our lives only made it harder to accept the pathetic free fall that we were facing.
And then we found MLM. Sure the money has made a huge difference in our lives but it's all the other things that our MLM opportunity has given us that has made the biggest difference in our lives.
Why don't we talk about the personal growth benefits of MLM more often? Perhaps every MLM training should include the personal testimonies of the many lives that have been forever altered for the better, thanks to this much maligned industry.
If only MLM newbies and Miss Spears would start listening, perhaps they too, would find a much better life. So many lives could be so much better if only we would open our ears more often.
Success in MLM , as in life, doesn't have to be as difficult as we make it.
I can do whatever I want to.
One of the reasons we love MLM so very much is that we own our own business. We are not required to report to work at a certain time or perform a task that we cannot stand wearing a certain kind of clothing that we would rather not wear.
In MLM we are our own boss, something we cherish but something that frequently causes well intentioned MLM newbies to fail. Although we haven't heard Britney say it, the way she blatantly ignores the words of all who care about her, implies that she relishes the opportunity to remind the world that she can do whatever she wants to.
Such is the battle cry of many an MLM failure! It's my business and I can run it any way I want to.
Yes you can, but sadly with that attitude you will, most likely, fail to achieve any success whatsoever.
Like we said before, if it wasn't so tragic, it would be comical.
Scott J Miller has sinced written about articles on various topics from Multi Level Marketing, Multi Level Marketing. Scott Miller changed his life thanks to MLM and his passion is helping people succeed in MLM regardless of the company they have chosen. If you'd like to achieve life changing success in MLM and get FREE MLM training including. Scott J Miller's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Scott J Miller to your Favourites.
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