Working with their hands is something that many people truly enjoy, and another thing that most people enjoy is eating good food. While one may initially think that these two concepts have little to do with each other, they in fact can go together quite nicely. Smoking meat and fish is a century's old art of cooking food that requires a gadget called a smoker.
When you build your own smoker in lieu of purchasing a manufactured product, you can custom-design the smoker to suit your individual smoking culinary needs. All it takes to build your own smoker is the desire and also a few simple materials. Enjoying the process and the outcome of this venture are sure to make it a worthwhile undertaking.
How To Build Your Own Smoker
Being resourceful with the materials you will need in order to build your own smoker is the first step in this fun and easy process. For the outside of the smoking, a variety of materials can be used, such as aluminum siding, scrap metal pieces, or even a steel trash can. Nailing the pieces together to form a hollow cube or rectangle in which the meats can be placed is the goal.
It matters not how large or small you choose to make the cooker. The size is totally up to you, depending on the amount of meat or fish you have to smoke. When using a trash can, inserting a grill rack near the top will provide a place for the meat to lie while smoking. In the bottom of the can or small smoker shed, there needs to be an opening on which wood can be placed.
The smoker can be fueled by propane as well as electricity. A hot area should be in the bottom of the can that can either be lit or turned on to heat the wood. The burning wood gives the meat or fish its delicious blend of tastes. A variety of wood can be used for this purpose, the most popular being maple or apple.
The meat needs to smoke for a longer amount of time than any other method of cooking would require, such as grilling, baking or broiling. Many people leave the meats to cook overnight and even longer, depending on personal tastes. Checking for the doneness of the meat is important periodically to ensure that one doesn't overcook the meat, which can turn dry. At the end of the day, building your own smoker is both a fun adventure and a worthy pursuit.
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