Whether we like it or not, we live in a fast paced technological world of instant gratification and waning patience. We live in a quick-fix society in which to accomplish our goals or needs, the quicker the better. When it comes to weight loss, a quick fix is a short-term solution. Permanent weight loss addresses the whole person and not just the hours spent burning calories or avoiding them. You can successfully burn the baby fat and lose the pregnancy weight with the 4 Cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Justice and Prudence.
"Temperance is love giving itself entirely to that which is loved"~ St. Augustine
Do you love and accept who you are? If you answer 'YES', then you are truly ready to trim your tummy and get healthy. Why? Because temperance will do what it takes to put in the hard work that is required of you. With temperance you will be able to set realistic goals and realize that you will have good and bad days. You will be able to forgive yourself when you have missed a day or two of your exercise and/or healthy eating. You will also be more able to persevere through it all with confidence. Are you ready to take the first step in achieving success by accepting and loving yourself?
"Fortitude is love readily bearing all things for the sake of the loved object" St. Augustine
Courage is something we don't realize we have until we are put in a situation that warrants a brave act. Which woman wouldn't want to lose pregnancy weight fast? But we all want the quick fix and have little patience to courageously commit ourselves to the task. Yes, our flesh is willing but our spirits can be weak when we have to juggle all the things that make up life. Are you willing to bear the roadblocks of discouragement, and the dragon of temptation, to quit for the sake of 'YOU' to lose your tummy?
"Justice is love serving on the loved object, and therefore ruling rightly"~ St. Augustine
Will you serve and rule yourself with realistic smaller goals? Small goals lead to small successes, and that in turn will lead to accomplishing the big goal of losing the baby fat. If you have an eating binge episode, you should be able to learn from the experience. Hopefully, you will learn to avoid the temptation dragon or better yet, be able to handle the dragon with smaller goals. Are you willing to judge your actions fairly, to learn and grow from them, in order to lose weight after the baby?
"Prudence is love distinguishing with sagacity between what hinders it and what helps it" ~St. Augustine
A fitness coach will capitalize on your strengths to keep you motivated and to see results. A self-improvement or life coach will highlight your weaknesses in order for you to realize who you are, and what you are capable of. A dietician will show you the foods to avoid, and the recipes to follow in order for you to see results. The guidance of a professional is good in itself, but it ultimately comes down to knowing your weakness and strengths and acting accordingly. Are 'YOU' willing to respect the dos and don'ts for your well being to lose weight after giving birth?
It doesn't hurt to be virtuous and lose the pregnancy weight. With an excellent lifestyle program, a little virtue can go a long way. With fortitude you will brave the ebbs and flows of life, and this will strengthen your commitment to your lifestyle program. With temperance, you will forgive your weakness and celebrate your strengths. By being more just, you will set manageable goals to quell the dragon and stay motivated and focused. And finally, by being more prudent, you will be able to know what works or doesn't work for you.
Burn Calories To Lose Weight
Whether we like it or not, we live in a fast paced technological world of instant gratification and waning patience. We live in a quick-fix society in which to accomplish our goals or needs, the quicker the better. When it comes to weight loss, a quick fix is a short-term solution. Permanent weight loss addresses the whole person and not just the hours spent burning calories or avoiding them. You can successfully burn the baby fat and lose the pregnancy weight with the 4 Cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Justice and Prudence.
"Temperance is love giving itself entirely to that which is loved"~ St. Augustine
Do you love and accept who you are? If you answer 'YES', then you are truly ready to trim your tummy and get healthy. Why? Because temperance will do what it takes to put in the hard work that is required of you. With temperance you will be able to set realistic goals and realize that you will have good and bad days. You will be able to forgive yourself when you have missed a day or two of your exercise and/or healthy eating. You will also be more able to persevere through it all with confidence. Are you ready to take the first step in achieving success by accepting and loving yourself?
"Fortitude is love readily bearing all things for the sake of the loved object"~ St. Augustine
Courage is something we don't realize we have until we are put in a situation that warrants a brave act. Which woman wouldn't want to lose pregnancy weight fast? But we all want the quick fix and have little patience to courageously commit ourselves to the task. Yes, our flesh is willing but our spirits can be weak when we have to juggle all the things that make up life. Are you willing to bear the roadblocks of discouragement, and the "dragon" of temptation, to quit for the sake of 'YOU' to lose your tummy?
"Justice is love serving on the loved object, and therefore ruling rightly"~ St. Augustine
Will you serve and rule yourself with realistic smaller goals? Small goals lead to small successes, and that in turn will lead to accomplishing the big goal of losing the baby fat. If you have an eating binge episode, you should be able to learn from the experience. Hopefully, you will learn to avoid the temptation "dragon" or better yet, be able to handle the "dragon" with smaller goals. Are you willing to judge your actions fairly, to learn and grow from them, in order to lose weight after the baby?
"Prudence is love distinguishing with sagacity between what hinders it and what helps it" ~St. Augustine
A fitness coach will capitalize on your strengths to keep you motivated and to see results. A self-improvement or life coach will highlight your weaknesses in order for you to realize who you are, and what you are capable of. A dietician will show you the foods to avoid, and the recipes to follow in order for you to see results. The guidance of a professional is good in itself, but it ultimately comes down to knowing your weakness and strengths and acting accordingly. Are 'YOU' willing to respect the dos and don'ts for your well being to lose weight after giving birth?
It doesn't hurt to be virtuous and lose the pregnancy weight. With an excellent lifestyle program, a little virtue can go a long way. With fortitude you will brave the ebbs and flows of life, and this will strengthen your commitment to your lifestyle program. With temperance, you will forgive your weakness and celebrate your strengths. By being more just, you will set manageable goals to quell the "dragon" and stay motivated and focused. And finally, by being more prudent, you will be able to know what works or doesn't work for you.
Suzanne Brown has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Mens Health. Suzanne Brown is an enthusiastic advocate for women's health and wellness.. Suzanne Brown's top article generates over 1300 views. Bookmark Suzanne Brown to your Favourites.
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