People are divided into two groups. One group is comprised of people that think that nothing bad will happen to them. They choose to ignore danger assuming it can only happen to other people or if it will happen it will be in a very long time and they will find a way to somehow cope with it. This group treat insurance as something the government forces them to buy for example you can not drive a car without insurance. They usually will buy the cheapest insurance allowed that provides the minimum limits. They would also just buy mandatory insurance as they see insurance as a total waste of money and time. This group of people is extremely sensitive to the insurance policy cost as they look at any payment paid toward insurance as money lost.
The other group is of people that think that everything bad that can happen will happen to them. They are afraid from the worst and want to be sure that in any situation that arises that will be adequately covered. They prefer to know up front that they have a safety net for whatever bad circumstances they encounter. This group tends to buy insurance with the maximum possible limits. They also tend to buy many insurance products most of which are not optional insurance policies. This group of people is not sensitive to the insurance policy price as they are willing to pay almost anything to feel they are covered against what they think is inevitable.
Most people fall in between these two extremes. They do of course purchase the mandatory insurance but they tend to opt for limits that are a bit higher than the minimum set in the law but they make an educated choice that compromises cost with the benefits and limits. They also tend to buy some extra insurance that is not mandated by law but they do that only when they feel it is a smart thing to do and that the cost justifies the policy. For example many people choose to buy life insurance once they get married and have kids. The reason is that at this point they want to provide their family with a safety net should something happen to them in the future. The price for such a policy is usually pretty low while the benefit is real.
The first group is indeed right in the sense that having too much insurance is a waste of money. For example a single young person without dependents should not pay for life insurance as there is no benefit. Some people usually those included in the second group do buy such life insurance even when they are single and even if they do not have any dependents. They justify it by saying that getting the insurance at a young age when they are still perfectly healthy is cheaper and maintaining the insurance guarantees lower policy fees for the future. They forget to calculate all the years they paid for that insurance for no reason which add up to more than any higher premium they might incur in the future.
Buy Insurance On Line
But if those disasters do happen, you will be very glad you had insurance. But there is one big life event that is coming that you want to do all you can to prepare for financially and that is old age and retirement. While there is no old age insurance, you will find as you do your retirement planning that there are some very valuable insurance policies that are absolutely critical to a retirement life that is enjoyable, safe and prepared for.
We may or may not think of life insurance as part of retirement planning. After all, the benefits of life insurance, at least on the surface are for those who survive you after your death which does not do you a lot of good when you are living and breathing. But you can invest in life insurance that also serves as a long term investment as well. These policies which are sometimes called whole life allow the funds you put in to be invested and to build a cash value that you can cash in on when you retire.
So you may want to carry $100,000 insurance when you are in the working world, paying a mortgage and trying to get the kids through college. But if you can then hit retirement, cash in on the investment value of that insurance and spend your golden years with just enough insurance to cover some protection for your spouse and funeral expenses, that is a better way to organize your insurance programs.
Another layer of insurance that a lot of people are taking advantage of is Medicare supplement insurance. Medicare is a great program that benefits a lot of people. But Medicare can only go so far. Those corny commercials for Medicare supplement insurance are goofy but they are on target that you need to have another safety net in the event you find yourself needing more extensive medical coverage than Medicare can provide. If you took the time to set up this kind of insurance early in your retirement planning, it will pay you big time when the need is there during your golden years.
A level of insurance that can be one of the biggest blessings if you become ill in your elderly years is in home health care insurance. Many times illnesses that you endure due to old age are not the kind of thing you would want to get through in an expensive hospital room. You will recover more quickly in your home but you still need someone to make sure you get your medications, take care of the little life details that you cannot tend to when you are poorly and be there if you take a turn for the worst.
This is where the care of an in home nursing service can be so valuable. This insurance can enable you to have care with you right in your home which will give you the care you need and take a lot of worry and work off of your family. And since all senior citizens need medical care at some point in their retirement life, in home health care insurance is a must.
By setting up these different specialized insurance policies early enough in your working life, you can get some value into them when the time comes for you to retire. Then you can you enter retirement with confidence knowing you have policies with reliable insurance providers to take care of the needs that you expect to come up during your golden years.
Both Hilary Skinner & Wayne Miller are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Wayne Miller has sinced written about articles on various topics from Parenting, Finances and Financial Planning. Wayne Miller has written two e-books and has traded serious money inside different stock and commodity markets. One is called The US Financial Crisis of 2007-2007 and the other e-book is called Opportunity of a Lifetime.. Wayne Miller's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Wayne Miller to your Favourites.
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