Now that so many term life insurance policies are available online, it makes sense to use this option when you are looking for protection for your family, you can take your time to consider all the different types of term insurance, and the different rates available. There's a ready supply of information, which puts you in a position of knowledge and will help you to make the correct decision.
There are several different labels applied to term insurance, but basically it comes down to three different types.
First, there is Level Term Insurance. This is designed to pay out a lump sum on the death of the life or lives assured, this type of policy can be used to cover immediate expenses i.e. funeral estate taxes outstanding debts, this type of term insurance can be written on either a joint or single life basis.
Perhaps the best-known type of term insurance is that associated with a mortgage, which not
unsurprisingly is called Mortgage Term Insurance. It is designed to cover the declining balance on the outstanding mortgage on your home. It is a very cost-effective type of term insurance because it is covering a reducing liability as a mortgage comes down so does the level of cover. This type of life insurance can also been written on either a single life, or join life basis.
The third main type of term life insurance is Family Income Benefit, unlike the previous types, as its name suggests this type of policy is designed to pay a regular income, rather than a lump sum. This type of policy has been rather overlooked until recently, but now that interest rates are so low, it is gaining in popularity, because of the extremely large amount of capital that is required to be invested to produce a reasonable level of regular income. By taking the Family Income Benefit route, you can sometimes save as much as 50% of the premium cost.
All the above types of policy can have various additional benefits added for instance, critical illness cover, guaranteed insurer ability options, automatic renewable options, etc obviously not all companies offer all the benefits, and it does require you to compare the cost of the policy with the benefits provided. However, by shopping for your life insurance online, you are better able to do this for yourself and hopefully will end up making the correct decision.
Term insurance is a very low-cost option, and while some would argue that it is better to go the whole of life route, with such a low-cost option, there is no need for any family to be without some life insurance or term insurance protection.
Buy Term Insurance Online
You may have heard of this phrase being tossed about in the insurance industry, particularly when discussing about "term insurance".
But what does it mean?
To understand that, we have a backtrack a little and talk about term insurance, and how it differs from the regular "whole life" insurance.
Putting it very simply, term insurance is a kind of insurance policy that provides you with pure insurance coverage for a certain period of time. Unlike whole life insurance, you will not get any money back once the policy matures at the end of the insured period.
Because of this, for the same amount of insurance coverage, you'll find that the premiums for a term insurance policy is a lot lower than that of the corresponding whole life policy.
And this is where the phrase "buy term and invest the difference" comes in. In essence, it refers to the strategy of buying term insurance, and using the money you save from the lower premiums to invest yourself in another investment vehicle to derive potentially higher returns compared to the regular whole life policy.
But why would you want to do that?
Well, what you may not know is that when you buy a whole life policy, you are essentially paying for 2 different objectives -- (1) insurance, and (2) investment.
A part of your premiums go towards paying for the "insurance" part of the policy so that you get the insurance coverage, and the remainder goes towards paying for the "investment" part of the policy so that you can get some positive returns at the end of the policy.
In other words, the insurance company is using your premiums to accomplish 2 different things on your behalf.
That's why you should consider the "buy term and invest the difference" strategy. Instead of giving all the money to 1 company to try to do 2 different things, you should consider buying term insurance to give you the insurance coverage, and then use the rest of the money to invest in some other investment vehicle yourself.
When you invest the rest of the money yourself, you can choose whatever investment vehicle you like, and you can also choose to use the best fund manager around if you want to. And should you ever want switch investment vehicles, you can rest assured that your insurance coverage will not be affected at all.
In short, you'll have more choices, more control, undisturbed insurance coverage, and hopefully more returns at the end of the day.
Both Roger Overanout & Ethan Lewis are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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