West Virginia is one of the prettiest states to visit during the winter with the snowfall. While you may not find some of the hottest places to ski, they do have several small ski resorts that offer a place to escape with the family and from the crowds of other ski areas. In West Virginia real estate, there are several types of housing you will find. Often if you are looking for vacation homes, you will find them around the lakes and ski areas of the state. In some cases, the vacation homes may be used for rental properties. For some of the more populated cities in West Virginia you will find Charleston, Charles Town, Huntington, Lewisburg, and Milton.
West Virginia real estate is not it seems experiencing the crunch on housing as the rest of the United States. Market news Berkeley County is experiencing actual sales of the various homes available. You will find there are homes in the range of $100,000 and above with some homes topping $500,000 plus. Of those homes for sales, which are 340, a third of the homes have a sale pending listing, and contracts that are contingent. While they are seeing the sale prices of some of these homes drop to make them, more affordable it does seem to be working for the majority of homes. Jefferson County is experiencing a similar sales pattern for their real estate as well. It seems that the sale price was actually increased by 5% in the beginning of the year, helping the market to look more favorable.
Now that we understand the market in West Virginia, let us look at some of the real estate that is being offered. In the larger cities, you are going to find condominiums, houses, and apartments. If you are not yet ready to purchase a home or are wary of the market economy for West Virginia real estate, you may wish to stay in an apartment. The apartment rentals are a fair price in order to entice more individuals to rent rather than buy. The condominiums are not seeing a as big a draw as it is a little harder to resell this type of investment in the current market. Many individuals are finding it easier to regroup their family to save money rather than have separate households, so larger family homes are more important to the overall demand.
For homes, you will have a choice in purchasing older or newer homes for a decent purchasing price. It seems that the builders have been unable to sell the homes they have recently completed making the demand lower the price of the homes. You will also find that the older homes are going to be given fair market value or perhaps a lower value in order to entice buyers. Most often for real estate in West Virginia, the home will remain on the market a little more than ninety days offering you a better shot at finding that fair price. Keep in mind that real estate near the resorts and mountains is going to increase above other areas.
Cabins In West Virginia For Rent
The contribution of the farming sector to the economy is negligible, owing to the mountainous terrain. Per Capita Income wise, it is the third poorest state in the country. The Per Capita Income stands at $19,214, very low as compared to the national average of $25,035. Median Household Income wise, it is the 50th state in the US. 18.0% of the population lies below the poverty line. This is exceptionally high as compared to the national average of 13.3%. The unemployment rate stands at 4.9%. Only 16.9% of the population holds a Bachelor's degree or higher, in contrast to the national average of 27.2%. Median age at first marriage is also relatively low. For men it is 25.9 years and for women, 23.9 years. Poverty, low levels of education, early marriages and other factors mentioned above do have the potential to aggravate the divorce rate in the future.
In order to file a divorce suit in a Circuit Court in West Virginia, one has to fulfill certain residency requirements. As per the residency requirements, a divorce suit can be initiated in West Virginia, if the marriage was solemnized in the state and one of the spouses had been a bona fide resident of West Virginia, at the time of the filing of the divorce suit. If the marriage was not solemnized in the state, a divorce proceeding can be initiated, if one of the spouses was or has become a bona fide resident of West Virginia and had remained so for a period of at least one year, just prior to the filing of the divorce suit. The spouse who files the divorce papers is known as the Petitioner and the spouse on whom the papers are served is called the Respondent. If the respondent happens to be a resident of West Virginia, the divorce suit shall be filed in the county in which the two spouses last lived together or in the county in which the respondent resides. If the respondent is not a resident of West Virginia, the divorce proceedings shall be initiated in the county in which the two spouses last lived together or in the county in which the petitioner resides (West Virginia Code: Sections: 48-5-105 and 48-5-106).
West Virginia Code has a range of both the fault- and no-fault-based grounds for divorce. The no-fault based grounds for divorce are: irreconcilable differences and voluntary separation without cohabitation for a year. The fault-based grounds for divorce are: adultery, addiction, cruelty, conviction of crime, desertion, incurable insanity and child abuse or neglect of parental duties (West Virginia Code: Sections: 48-5-201 to 48-5-209).
The court may issue temporary orders regarding relief, spousal support, child support, use and occupancy of marital home, use and possession of motor vehicles and freezing of assets, till the case is pending. Protective orders may be issued by the court in case of verification of allegations of abuse of a spouse or a child. Regarding division of property, West Virginia is an equitable distribution state. All the marital property is divided by the court in an equitable manner, as deemed just and fair by it. Any order concerning property division can be revised in the future.
The court may order any party to pay for spousal support. While doing so, the court reflects over many issues such as the age of the two parties, physical and mental health, employability, length of the marriage, contribution to marriage, tax consequences, needs and obligations of either party, etc. Spousal support is modifiable in the future, as per the changes in the circumstances of the two spouses.
The parents may be ordered to attend the Parenting Education Classes, if they have minor children. The child custody is decided considering the best interests of the child. While doing so, the court deliberates over various social, emotional and psychological factors to ensure the stability and well-being of the child. The parents are required to file a parenting plan, which is open to modification by the court, at the time of its inception or in the future.
The child support is calculated in accordance with the West Virginia Child Support Guidelines. The court may deviate from these guidelines to do justice to the needs of a child. The child support may be modified in the future, if the well being of the child requires so.
Both Tom Beaty & James Walsh are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Tom Beaty has sinced written about articles on various topics from Buying and Selling Home, Sell Home and Buying and Selling Home. Tom Beaty offers West Virginia Real Estate information for buyers and sellers. Don't buy or sell without visiting this Blog or it could cost you: West Virgin. Tom Beaty's top article generates over 201000 views. Bookmark Tom Beaty to your Favourites.
James Walsh has sinced written about articles on various topics from Small Business, Binding Machines and Divorce and Infidelity. James Walsh is a freelance writer and copy editor. If you want to find out more about a solicitor managed divorce see. James Walsh's top article generates over 368000 views. Bookmark James Walsh to your Favourites.
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