Are you sick and tired of watching the price of gas go up on a regular basis? Have you had enough when it comes to traffic and the inconvenience of travel? Would you like to reduce your travel related stress while at the same time reducing your costs as well? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, read on...
After hearing so many people recently complain and moan about the high price of gas and the inconvenience of travel, and after recently observing gas prices go over $3.50 per gallon, I finally reached my breaking point when I saw a news report about the airlines thinking of offering ?seats? which will allow the passenger the pleasure of standing throughout a flight! I knew at this point that the time had come for me to let the traveling public know that there is an alternative.
The first step to take is to first see how much your gas and travel is currently costing you. If you go to the website LowerYourCostOfGasAndTravel, and put in the information requested, an automatic calculator will show you how much money you are currently spending on gas, as well as how much Middle Eastern oil you are using up. In order to figure out how you can lower your cost of gas and travel, you first need to get a good grasp of how much you are spending on your gas and travel. Once you identify how much you are currently spending on your gas and travel, there are many ways you can reduce this expense, one of which I am going to discuss involves implementing an inexpensive technology.
And what exactly is this ?inexpensive technology? that I mention here? Well, it is what I call browser based Video and Web Conferencing. With browser based Video and Web Conferencing, all you need is an Internet connection and an Internet browser and you can meet with other people. If you wish to be seen, you will also need a web camera or ?webcam?, which is available for $15 and up at electronics stores (Best Buy, Circuit City), as well as office supply stores (Staples, Office Depot). If you want to be heard, you will need either a headset or a microphone and speakers. The best part about browser based video and web conferencing is that since a browser pretty much comes with EVERY computer purchased, this means you can hear and see people no matter where in the world you or they are located - even if you or they are vacationing in a hotel! As long your meeting ?guest? has Internet access, they can be part of your meeting.
Browser based Video and Web Conferencing can save all individuals (and especially the business traveler) money, time and aggravation and has actually been around for several years now. The fact that people are wasting their money, at over $3.50 per gallon, driving to appointments, and unnecessarily spending money on airline tickets and hotels when there is a viable alternative available is not only wrong, it is un-patriotic!
In addition to lowering the cost of gas and travel, browser based video and web conferencing can also help families stay together and ?whole?. It is unconscionable that parents have to travel and be away from their children and loved ones when they can accomplish the same tasks of meeting with their customers, clients and colleagues anywhere in the world without leaving the comfort of their home or office.
I encourage you to see how much your gas and travel is currently costing you. Just go to the website LowerYourCostOfGasAndTravel, put in the information requested, and an automatic calculator will show you how much money you could save, as well as how much Middle Eastern oil you are currently using. And then I suggest you do something to lower your cost of gas and travel, including taking a look at browser based video and web conferencing.
Calculate Cost Of Gas
As people scuttle their plans to travel far this summer due to the high cost of transportation whether it be by car , train , or plane , these same people will spend their savings on other things close to home. They will not necessarily bank the savings but spend it on local attractions , backyard barbeques and their local eateries. I have never heard of a vacationer who did not want to spend money. It is just what they want to spend their money on that is important. Gas or food ? Let us think about what they will choose.
So now that pretty much all of us have decided food is more fun to spend your money on this is an opportunity for the local eatery to advertise like never before to people within their community to come at eat their delicious selections from the menu. Instead of cutting back and fearing the surge in commodities it is time now to put the hammer down and offer great selections , great service , and get involved locally as never before. The competition is going to be fierce to gain the local's favour but if the restaurant owner can embrace the fear and overcome negative thoughts about the future they can be a big winner and withstand any downturn in the economy.
The days of the long road trip by car and the month long trips internationally by air are coming to an end. People will vacation in the future closer to home just because of their belt tightening they have had to do just to meet the bills each month.
As a Food and Beverage Waiter what I have noticed is any decrease in people that have come into the restaurant on a nightly basis has been offset by the higher check average. What this probably means is rather than go away and spend their vacation pay on transportation they are choosing to stay home and sightsee locally and go out to eat more often nearby. The good restaurant's bottom line has not been affected. Even if a slight increase is passed onto the customer , people are willing to still pay for good value. I mean no one feels like an increase in gas prices means a more enjoyable ride so why pay more. The dining experience is perceived differently than a drive.
This means that an owner that knows what their market is and can sell it to the locals can still turn a handsome profit. In addition an excellent waiter or bartender will still bring home substantial tips each night.
In conclusion , the current slowdown and uncertainty in the economy will not so much affect the restaurant industry but as with any slowdown separate the men from the boys. If you are an owner go out and locally advertise your superior dining experience and if you are a waiter or bartender be more attentive than ever so that you can insure those people will come back.
As with any difficulty and hard time there always is a window of opportunity. Here is our chance in the Hospitality Industry to seize it!
Both Dan Richmond & Steve Nicolle are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Dan Richmond has sinced written about articles on various topics from Computers and The Internet, Travel and leisure and Computers and The Internet. To see how much money you're spending on gas and travel, visit For more information regarding browser based video and web conferencing services, please call (818) 783-4311 or visit Dan Richmond's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Dan Richmond to your Favourites.
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