Urijah Faber was born in his parents home on May 14th, 1979, in the small college town of Isla Vista. His parents holistic practices would come to influence all aspects of his life, including his successful MMA career and UFC affiliation. Fabers healthy diet and exercise helped gain him early success as a star athlete in the small town where he grew up, excelling in football, wrestling, and other sports.
During his college career, he was the starting 133lb wrestler for UC Davis, and became the all time Davis win leader and a two time NCAA D1 qualifier, finishing in the top twelve in 2002 and going on to the freestyle University Nationals to become a National runner up. After earning his Bachelors of Science in Human Development, Faber remained at UC Davis as the staff wrestling coach and launched his career in the MMA.
After just one month of jiu jitsu training, Urijah Faber entered his first fight in November 2003 and won, going on to attend the Gladiator Challenge Belt in June of 2004. In September of 2005, Faber experienced his first career defeat, offset by his subsequent six win streak and a third World Championship Belt for the WEC in March 2006. Fabers ongoing jiu jitsu training has furthered his success, particularly since the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, practiced most famously in the United States by UFC founder Robert Gracie, emphasizes both grappling and ground fighting techniques.
This martial art and combat sport also promotes the idea that a smaller person can apply the proper leverage and technique to successfully defend themselves against larger opponents. Many MMA fighters have received extensive training in this area because of this. Uriah Fabers training is similar to that of the early Jiu Jitsu fighters, who saw it as not only a martial art, but also as a sport and a way to build character and promote physical fitness. Fabers healthy lifestyle and intense daily workout regimen and self discipline are a good match for the disciplined principles of this century old martial art,
Since these initial victories, Faber has continued to dominate the 145lb weight class and the MMA, due to his personality, unique fighting style, and marketability. Urijah has earned the nickname The California Kid, as well as a popular official online fan club, endorsements, and more. On December 21, 2006, Faber was featured in MSNBCs four part documentary, Warrior Nation, and currently has his own line of apparel and merchandise, including limited edition shirts and other clothing items.
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