The time has come to move back to the USA from Europe. I can't believe five whole years has gone by since my boyfriend Kurt, now my husband, and I moved here. We bought our home here in France four years ago and have had an absolutely charmed life here. Half of me wants to go home to see my family; the other half wants to stay here.
Kurt and I moved from the States to grow our network marketing business. The company had decided to open up for the first time in this country and we were the first to arrive. We worked very hard to build the business and our success has been nothing less than spectacular. Since living here, the company opened in Germany, Switzerland and Spain. Those countries are all so close; we were able to take the business into these countries as well. We have been truly blessed.
I found out we are going to have a baby. We're both so excited and we want to be near the baby's grandparents back home in the States when he/she is born. So, before I get too far along, we call the international moving company we used to move here and they agree to come in a month to pack up our home and move us back.
It feels good to have an international moving company we can trust. They did such a great job packing up our house, moving our cars and boat and even our two dogs last time. Everything and everyone arrived in perfect condition. I wouldn't think of moving with another international moving company.
When I called the international moving company, I even got the same agent. She was so friendly she told me she's expecting as well. She suggested a good real estate agent to sell our home here. I'll definitely give him a call.
I've been thinking, I should give our international moving company's agent a call again. I want to tell her about our business; see if she'd like to get involved. After all, she's having a baby. She'd probably love to work from home.
I add that to my list of things to do and turn my attention to the task at hand sorting things for a huge neighborhood garage sale this Saturday. I'm going to put everything in there we haven't used this past year. I figure, if we haven't used it in that period of time, we don't need it.
I don't know why, I'm at a loss to explain it, but all of the sudden I burst into tears we're moving! I am so going to miss this place I had come to think of as home. Did I really want to move back?
Nir Dotan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Argentina Travel, Penny Stocks and Pink Sheets. Nir Dotan is a writer and promoter of International Moving services, and In. Nir Dotan's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Nir Dotan to your Favourites.
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