Aren’t these enough reasons for you to start drinking your full daily intake of water?
I started drinking 9 glasses a day, and I noticed a difference over night!! I lost five pounds in the course of one day, and it’s stayed off. The key is to keep drinking water, or you will see the weight come back. For every 25 pounds you want to lose, drink an extra glass of water. Keep in mind however, that water can also be consumed through food such as fruits, which contain 90% water.
Here are some tips to help you make sure you get your daily intake:
- Make an appointment with your glass of water. Schedule certain times of the day to chug back 8 ounces at once. After you wake up in the morning, on your way to work, during a commercial, etc. - Have a water race with a friend or family member. The extra competition will help motivate you. - I bought a big 1.5L bottle and made sure I drank all of it before the end of the day. If I didn’t, I told my co-workers that they had permission to dump whatever was left on my head. - Before drinking that coffee or pop, force yourself to get another glass of water down. You will probably not even want anything else after that. - When you go to the bathroom (and you will be going frequently at first), refuel yourself with another glass before going back to whatever it was that you were doing. - Measure how much water you need in a bottle or measuring cup, then you can see your goal for the day. - I played a game with myself while I was doing a puzzle. Every time I fit a piece into the puzzle, I would have to take a drink. It seems pretty silly, but it worked. I do puzzles pretty fast, so I downed almost 2 glasses in less than a half hour. Be careful though, drinking more than 48 fluid ounces can be dangerous to your health. - If you haven't reached your recommended daily intake by the end of the day, eat some of your favorite fruits to compensate.
Use these ideas, or come up with your own tricks to help you reach your goal. You will notice a difference right away. I know I did. I felt better, I could see my stomach shrinking, and I found myself snacking less. It really works!
Can Water Help You Lose Weight
In an effort to search for solutions individuals start trying different diets and so the yo-yo trend of dieting begins. These are not only expensive, soul-destroying and temporary solutions, but they are dangerous for our health and can and do affect the ability to lose weight permanently. How many more diets need to help us lose weight? How much more money does one have to spend on weight-loss solutions and how much more willpower is required to lose weight? Is it possible that it is not about willpower at all?
Most diets that and many diet books I have read and studied suggest that weight is a problem that needs to be solved. Through my experience, however, I have come to discover that weight is the symptom and not the problem. This is why diets help on a temporary basis only. Even if you manage to keep the weight off for a year or more, it is not permanent, it is not forever. Diets actually enslave you by whether you are fat and thin. They serve to dictate your thoughts around food and weight issues on a constant basis. This is no way to live.
So what is the answer?
Weight loss through coaching offers an alternative and permanent solution to weight loss. Most diets treat only the superficial symptom of excess weight. Weight loss coaching, however, helps, guides and supports you to understand what it is that causes you to overeat. It addresses issues that diets cannot as most diets are not customized to the individual. They do not look at the unique causes for overeating for each individual. Through introspection, weight loss coaches can identify these causes and begin a process of change. The causes are not always clear for all to see. Through coaching, coaches are able to pinpoint possible reasons for sabotaging behavior. This involves a process of action, questioning, feedback, honesty and awareness.
Diets generally do not offer these life tools. Some diets work, some don't and if they work the results are usually short-lived. The coaching process looks at fears that stop you from losing weight help you to develop strategies that will guarantee your success. By insightfully discovering and understanding the cause of your weight history, you CAN change your weight and change your life.
Both Cassandra Germsheid & Kimbles are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Cassandra Germsheid has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight. Cassandra Germsheid is the owner of Baby Tips Online ( She is a stay at home mother but sometimes works part time for her local newsp. Cassandra Germsheid's top article generates over 1300 views. Bookmark Cassandra Germsheid to your Favourites.
Kimbles has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Health and Self Confidence. Kim Knight, The Success Weight Loss Coach, has helped a number of clients target and reach their goals. The Weight Loss Coach is not only a sought-after trusted and inspirational coach. There are many successful clients whose friends and family are amazed. Kimbles's top article generates over 550000 views. Bookmark Kimbles to your Favourites.
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