The marketing articles bring a huge benefits: targeted traffic, high search engine ranking, brand building and profits. If you think about your budget, the article writing is free. Even the submission services offer free versions to start your work at home internet business promtions.The job of a single article is not to climb to the top position at the searcg engine, but to raise your landing page to there. So, despite of the fact that you should always write to the reader, the page rank target requires a certain techniques.
1.Select Two Or Three Keywords.
When you select the keywords before you start writing your work at home internet business article, it is more natural to insert them into the text. Use a quality software, there is no shortcut, period. The keywords should be the same, which you use in your landing page and the keyword density should be around 2 %. Put them into the title, teaser, body and into the Author Box hyperlink.
2. The Title Must Include The Main Keyword Among The First 4 Words.
The title is the most important part of the article, it will make or brake the whole thing. The title must include a promise to the reader, a clear benefit, what he gets when he read the whole thing.Of course the main keyword must bu included, because that is the same phrase, what he has used with the search. The ideal length is about max 12 words, longer works better than shorter.
3.Research The 5 Main Competitors.
The competitors are the 5 top sites on the result page of the selected keyword. Because the page rank is determined by the number and the quality of backlinks, you should concentrate on these offpage factors only. If the top site has links much more than your page has, maybe it is better to change the keyword, because to reach the top means being able to beat the top page.
4. The Author Box Is A Climax Ad.
Remember to write your name into the box. Otherwise the text should be like a persuaisve text ad, which makes the reader to take the action, i.e. to click the link of the landing page. It must tell to the reader, what more useful he gets, when he clicks the link. If your article directories accept hyperlinks, write your major keyword hyperlinked. In this way you will build an anchor text for your website with the keyword related to your website keywords.
5. Write Always Original Unique Content.
The search engine spiders can recognize if the content is copied, a dublicate content. If you want your article climb high in the search engines, it must be optimized and original, but if you submit the same article to thousands of directories and websites, then the job of the article is not to climb high but to bring the backlinks to the landing page.
Canadian Work At Home
What I Want For Myself, I Want For Everybody.
Finding an Internet business that can produce enough income to allow you to stay at home and leave your day job is the Holy Grail for Work At Home searchers. Reports say that every day as many as 400,000 people are searching for a work at home Internet business that will work for them.
All across the Internet you see all kinds of wacky work at home Internet business opportunities. I have been in Internet marketing since 1997. I have built a successful work from home successful business doing Traffic Engineering, building multiple “e-highways" that drive traffic to client websites. I have helped many small publicly traded companies increase their Internet presence, search engine rankings, brand identity, public awareness and sales. I have made a great living doing this. However many of these small companies do not have the cash to pay for the services I can provide. So many wish to pay me in stock. This is usually low priced stock that can not be easily sold. Also many of these companies are more concerned with increasing their share prices rather then increasing their industry and public awareness and sales. So I have been searching for better places to use my skills.
That is how I came across the huge work at home Internet business. In my search for a work from home Internet business that would work for me and for others, I found all kinds of strange schemes, products and options. I kept on looking for the right business that would deliver tremendous value to my customers. I was looking for an Internet business opportunity that would work for anyone. The right work at home Internet business had to offer great products with tremendous value. It also had to be something that was duplicable and ready to go to work for anyone.
I have come across a stellar situation that can produce exceptional income for anyone seeking a work at home Internet business.
The High Value Lofty Profits Wealth Package delivers a multitude of life success and home based Internet business success products including:
How to software, e-books, videos, tools and resource links.
The package includes valuable information for Internet Marketing success, increasing website traffic, automating sales, saving you time, increasing wealth, improving health, reducing stress and much more.
These products alone are worth over $125,000, and they are ALL yours when you join the Lofty Profits work at home Internet business. You also get access to all new products and Full Resale Rights. But there is a whole lot more.
Lofty Profits also gives everyone an Automated Sales Program ready to go to work for you, a company that will advertise for you, and a web site that will sell for you. You will immediately be entered into a 3-Tier
(You get 3 Levels Deep) Affiliate Payment System. This will have others working with you to multiply your earnings and their earnings. Pair this with the outstanding products package and you give almost ANYONE Internet Business success in a very short period of time.
You also get your own beautiful, professionally designed, ready-to-go Web Site with your ordering data built in. No hosting charges. No domains to buy. No files to upload.
And your sales site will remember your visitors and direct them to your order page to make sure you get your commissions.
After extensive searching for a work at home Internet business that anyone could succeed with, I believe this is the Real Deal.
There is one more thing that makes the Lofty Profits Wealth Package worth a 1000 Times what they are asking.
Acclaimed Wallace Wattles Books: The Science Of Getting Rich and The Science of Being Great along with The Master Key System are all included.
These books give you the formulas and Solutions used by all the wealthy and wise people through centuries of time. They are the basis of the Global Phenomenon "The Secret." You may have seen ads, letters and web sites
about this ground-breaking movie that reveals The Secret To EVERYTHING you have ever wanted. The DVD has sold millions copies, became the #3 Best Selling DVD on, and was covered by The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Larry King on CNN, Newsweek, Time Magazine, The New York Times and more. The newest package is selling for $2000, but you will not have to dig that deep because the books are part of your Wealth Package.
One of the basic points you will find in “The Science Of Getting Rich":
To truly become rich a man or women must give to every person a use value and an increase of life value
far greater then the cash value they receive.
Once you look at the Lofty Profits Internet business opportunity you will see that the developers took this principle to heart when they built this business.
More information can be found at
Both Juhani Tontti & R Services Services are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Juhani Tontti has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Internet Business, Work From Home and Computers and The Internet. Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Got Interested? I Invite You For A Short Visit To My Home Page And Find All The Useful Information About The Article Marketing For Your Own Work At. Juhani Tontti's top article generates over 110000 views. Bookmark Juhani Tontti to your Favourites.
R Services Services has sinced written about articles on various topics from Work From Home. Traffic Engineer - Driving traffic to customers sites since 1997. Work at home Internet business success consultant.Visit R Services Services's top article generates over 1000 views. Bookmark R Services Services to your Favourites.
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