Possibilities: Career change is a very critical phase in anyone's career and hence it is imperative that one considers all possibilities and consequences of the same. Researching all such possibilities would be a good practice before making the switch. This research can be done online, by talking to your network and also by reading job profiles and news related to the new career. This will give you an insight into various careers that are available for you and will help you to make a more informed decision regarding your career change.
Personal parameters: Opting for a career change without self reflection and without considering personal likes and dislikes could be suicidal for any career. Assessing one's own interests, skills and values is highly critical to any career change. Such an analysis is easy to do and all one needs is to make a list of things that one loves to do- in a job, at home or even in hobbies and another list of things that you will never want to do again. While deciding on a career changes, these lists can be used to perform a SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) and can have a great bearing on a conceived career change.
Blinded by other's success: A career change cannot be bought upon oneself by just looking at someone who is a success in a different career. You are you and not the other person; the personal qualities differ and make the thin line between success and failure. Considering that career while deciding upon a career change is good, but do not try and replicate someone else's success. There are too many assumptions in doing so and most people who have attempted a career changes in such circumstances have failed. The grass certainly appears greener on the other side but is not the case most times, especially for something as critical as a career change.
Experience and Education: While contemplating a career change, it is always important to research and strategize on bridging the gap of education, experience and skills between the present career and the new career that you are trying to make a career change to. Transferable or common skills are important but a little bit of focused education and skill building may become important to make the career change. You could begin by interacting with professionals in the new career and attending informative workshops.
Job search techniques: Making a career change almost always involves a job change, so it is important that one polishes his or her job search techniques before embarking on the search. Interviewing skills and resume writing techniques would also need some polish especially since you are out of the search market for some time pursuing your current career. Make sure that you go through these basics before you decide on the career change.
A career change involves too many personal variables. Make sure that you polish up on almost all variables before you decide on your all important career change.
Career Change For Women
There are many people who want a career change, but never make any attempts in that direction because they do not know which type of changes they actually need and which career option is a better alternative for them. They just don't know what they want to do. This is basically because of their boxed-in thinking that prevents them from thinking differently. Following are some of the tips that will help you generate a wide array of new career ideas. Lets go exploring.
Focus On The Key Themes, Not The Job Titles
Job titles can be misleading. Therefore, if you are looking for a career change, you should look out for the possibilities based on key themes and not on job titles. If you know what you want your dream job to involve, you can easily find all the opportunities out there.
Make A List Of Things That You Don't Want To Do
It is good that you are clear about the specific things that you want to do after a career change. But, it is also equally important for you to be aware of the things that you don't want to do. This is a much easier task, especially if you hate your current job. You just have to identify the issues that you find annoying. However, if the no-to-do list is too long, ascertain if it is always going to be "NO" under all circumstances. After all, the idea is not to reject career options in a knee-jerk manner.
Refine The List Of The Things You Want To Do
If you are sharing your idea of a career change with your friends and family, they may start offering you an array of suggestions. So, you have to be very careful here. Even if you listen to everybody, you must act according to your own mind. Make sure that the to-do list includes the things that you really want – don't add anything mindlessly to this list just because someone else considers it as the best choice for you. Take your own decisions.
Introspect And Reinvent Yourself
Before you go ahead with a career change, rewind the tape on your career life. Think about the mistakes you had committed before. Review those circumstances when things had started to go wrong. Was it your fault? Try to reinvent yourself. Begin the new inning of your career with a fresh approach.
However, always remember that a new career does not always have to be an exceptional, spectacular or grandiose one. It is great that you have a wide vision, but at the same time, you should also focus on the small changes that can bring productive results. The basic idea is to attain the kind of fulfillment that you want in your career.
Overall, if you follow the above tips, you will be able to explore the wealth of career change possibilities that are out there.
Both Kate Wilber & James Copper are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Kate Wilber has sinced written about articles on various topics from Career Change, Education. Kate Wilber "The Marketing Momma" is a full time online business owner specializing in teaching small business owners to market their business online effectively in an affordable way. Visit. Kate Wilber's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Kate Wilber to your Favourites.
James Copper has sinced written about articles on various topics from Finances, Mortgage and Mortgage. James Copper is a writer for http://www.new-careers.co.uk where you can find information on getting a. James Copper's top article generates over 1220000 views. Bookmark James Copper to your Favourites.
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