In addition, the diet needs to be limited. Increasing the food intake for cats may invite serious health problems.
Necessary Nutrients:
Cat owners need to check, if their pet food offers the following nutrients:
1. Pet food has to contain vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. One vital nutrient is Vitamin A and vitamin E, which helps to build resistance against a variety of diseases.
2. Animal protein from poultry, meat, egg sources and fish helps to keep bones sturdy and strong.
3. The diet needs to have accurate balance of fatty acids that nurture the skin and coat health.
4. Taurine, an amino acid, extracted from meat sources such as fish and chicken. This helps in keeping the eyes healthy and preventing heart diseases. Taurine supports fetal growth, development and reproduction in cats.
5. Next, a fiber source such as beet pulp, which maintains the digestive system of cats, is also a necessary nutrient.
Special Dietary Needs for Pregnant or lactating cats:
Pet owners have to take enough care of their pregnant cats. Increase their intake by 50 per cent than their current diets. The owner may give kitten food as a nutritional support to cats at the time of conception.
After the mother cat gives birth to young kittens, gradually increase the intake to 75 per cent. Maintain this diet until the kittens get used to eating canned or dry food. The moment kittens begin eating substitute food, incorporate the normal food again so that the mother cat keeps away from any weight gain.
Avoid Obesity:
Generally, indoor cats do not get the opportunity to exercise as compared to outdoor cats. Due to this, indoor cats fall prey to obesity. To avoid this, pet owners have to allow their cats to exercise in open the way they wish.
Preventing Cats from Developing Hairballs:
Cats take their own time to arrange themselves neatly. They constantly lick their fur and in the process, sometimes swallow hair. If the hairball fails to pass into the intestines, the cat may land in trouble. It may try to eject the hairball. To avoid this, pet owners have to make sure that they supply a nutritional diet to their cats.
What Every Cat Needs:
No matter what food they get to eat, owners need to make available plenty of water for their cats, always. It is advisable to place water at a distance three to five feet from the food.
This prevents the cat from swallowing water hastily. Cats demand comfortable place to eat and prefer to stay away from people around them. Last of all, the cat owners need to take their cats to the veterinarian at regular intervals. This will help in keeping pet cats healthy and happy.
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