If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure it's likely that you suddenly have many questions. Understanding how blood pressure, left untreated, can negatively impact your body is first and foremost. Grasping the enormity of the lifestyle changes you may have to make can be overwhelming. But across the board, those who suffer from this condition want to know and understand the causes of high blood pressure.
Everyone is different; and for that reason there is no one answer when it comes to the causes of high blood pressure. For many, the causes of high blood pressure relates to their poor diet and exercise habits; that is why many doctors when encountering high blood pressure in their patients will first recommend a strident lifestyle program to attempt to lower blood pressure.
Patients - in an effort to determine if food and exercise are their causes of high blood pressure - will be directed to immediately eliminate foods with high salt, fat, and excessive preservatives while increasing water intake, natural, whole foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and integrating daily exercise into their life. If a consistent program of healthy diet and exercise does not affect any changes, then other causes of high blood pressure will be examined.
Excessive alcohol and caffeine intake and the use of nicotine products can also be causes of high blood pressure. The immediate elimination of nicotine and significantly decreasing alcohol and caffeine consumption has been shown to have a positive effect on high blood pressure.
High levels of stress are another one of the causes of high blood pressure. In today's chaotic world, stress can hardly be avoided. But learning to appropriately manage stress through exercise, meditation, and downtime can impact stress levels and help lower blood pressure.
Unfortunately, one of the more common causes of high blood pressure is simple genetic predisposition. When one or more family members suffer from high blood pressure than you are also likely to battle it as well. If a variety of lifestyle changes fails to determine your causes of high blood pressure than it's likely that you are dealing with genetics. In this case, your doctor may prescribe daily medication designed to lower blood pressure.
Ultimately, the causes of high blood pressure are not as important as the successful ways in which we can manage it. Work with your health care provider to determine what works best for you in lowering your blood pressure. With consistent treatment - no matter what it is - those with high blood pressure can live a long and healthy life.
Cause Of High Blood Pressure
But, what are the causes that the related statistics as for the number of patients is growing so fast? Lets try to find a probable reason here.
First things first, there are two types of high blood pressures-- Primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Of the two, the former accounts for 95% of the cases. The causes of primary hypertension are many. When it is from a specific abnormality in one of the organs, it is known as secondary hypertension.
Primary hypertension has a vast membership. It has within its fold about 75 million Americans. But the diagnosis of this type of hypertension is not always easy. The type of attack varies from individual to individual. However, some common factors can be elucidated.
The main culprit found till date for high blood pressure is salt. So you should immediately cut extra iodine and salt intake as soon as you find that you are hypertensive.
Genetic factors are also playing a foul role for the serious types of ailments and primary hypertension. But the exact genes that have to take the blame are yet to be identified. The present research is on the renin-angiotension-aldosterone system. It is the system that helps to regulate blood pressure, controls salt balances as well as the elasticity of the arteries.
Now, lets analyze threadbare how some of the causes of primary hypertension play their dubious role. The noticeable abnormality is that you have an increased resistance in the arteries; they are not as elastic, especially the small arteries that are at a distance from the heart. Obese people are haunted by this problem. Those eating too much salt, not doing any physical exercises and also the aging people are likely to own this sort of hypertension. The sodium in the salt is absolutely brutal on the high blood pressure patients.
Review your life styles and diet habits. You will be surprised yourself about the deficiencies that you have been putting on with, so far in your life. You have the high blood pressure. It's the wake up call. Your arteries have become clogged. Even the County gutters are cleaned periodically, so that they don't get chocked. You own the God-given divine instrument- your body! Reschedule your days routine and allocate time for walking and exercises. If you don't do that, you may anyhow have to do walking exercises to your physician's chamber!
Prevention is always better than cure! You need to say that to at least 75 million times to cure the BP patients!
Both Michelle Bery & Kanishkm are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Kanishkm has sinced written about articles on various topics from Balanced Diet, Acupuncture Chiropractor and Medicine. To get detailed information on High Blood Pressure and more High Blood Pressure articles visit http://www.blood-pressure-updates.com/bp/ &. Kanishkm's top article generates over 1220000 views. Bookmark Kanishkm to your Favourites.
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