Have you reached a certain age and now have sensitive or dry skin? Did you have clear skin as a teenager with other teens racked with acne but now it's reversed with your problem skin and they have glowing skin? Now you are actively seeking skin care products. However, you need to be aware of how different chemicals present in skin care products can affect your skin.
Don't despair. There is a lot of free advice and products available to help you with your skin condition without resorting to the help of a dermatologist. You can find some of these skin care lotions and creams over the counter that could be just as potent as the expensive ones at the malls in your neighborhood. Here are some of the chemicals below that could give you the results you need for your skincare problem. Get the facts.
AHAs- Alpha-hydroxyl acids work to help prevent signs of aging. These chemicals help lessen the thin lines that form on the skin and can make age spots seem invisible to the naked eye. You will find this chemical in numerous skincare products like your foundation and eye creams.
Salicylic Acid is found in skincare products such as sunscreens and face creams. It is often used to exfoliate skin and release oil, which is why it is used in acne medicine. However, it has also been found to reverse aging affects of skin that has been overexposed to the sun which causes it to become dry or wrinkled.
Hydroquinone-- This chemical is used to lighten your skin and combat age spots or stretch marks that may occur from pregnancy or other hormonal treatments which cause discoloration on the skin. Some people may develop rashes or other allergies from the use of hydroquinone and can use kojic acid as a substitute when applying their chosen skincare product.
Retinol-- is the most populare chemical used in skincare products. It's a derivative form of Vitamin A. Retinol is used in a wide array of skin care products. It has been found to improve skin discoloration, help remove lines and wrinkles, improve your overall skin texture, lighten your skin tone color giving you a healthy glow, and rehydrate it as well. If you are looking for a very versatile skin care chemical, retinol is the best answer.
Where to buy products online? You can find products with these helpful chemicals for your skin type in different places online and I have just the place for you to get the best deal for your skin type. Also, these chemicals are usually found in your 'natural products,' as well.
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