Too much has already been written about pills and potions that promise to halt hair loss. Most of the claims in such articles and ads are unsubstantiated. On the other hand, not enough has been said about products on the market that contribute to hair loss, supplements and pills that many people take, unaware of their side effects.
Let's look at a few of the key offenders:
* Growth hormone supplements
Growth hormone supplements increase the testosterone level, which increases DHT (a hormone that destroys hair follicles when present in the system in large amounts). DHT can cause hair loss and baldness.
* Creatine
Creatine is tauted for increasing muscle mass, but it also increases testosterone. In the presence of high testosterone levels, too much DHT is produced in the body, resulting in unwanted hair loss.
* Certain protein shakes
Certain protein shakes that are not organic have growth hormone in them, which causes high DHT levels. Too much DHT destroys the hair follicles needed for a full head of hair. For a protein shake to not affect hair loss, it should say "growth hormone free" on the primary label. "Branch amino acids" should NOT appear on the ingredients label.
* Fat burners or diet pills
Fat burners or diet pills are another big offender contributing to baldness in unsuspecting buyers. Anything that changes the metabolism very quickly causes a fluctuation in hormones which starves off healthy cells and leads to hair loss.
It is an unfortunate irony that many "nutritional" products people take to improve their appearance have the side effect of causing them to go bald. They then lose their looks in a new way, adding to their appearance problems.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," goes the old saying. Take care of the hair you were born with. It isn't something you want to take for granted.
If you are already suffering from major hair loss and are looking for the best remedy, beware of the pills and potions, gadgets and gimmicks. Many things touted on the market as hair replacement solutions are fraudulent, while others produce hair that's not much better than peach fuzz. Some remedies require a lifetime of medication-taking or three-times-a-week therapy.
The best and only permanent solution to hair loss is hair transplantation, a science which has made great strides in recent years in its ability to produce a natural-looking hairline and good coverage. One or two sessions, for the majority of people, are usually all that's necessary with a qualified specialist.
In this procedure, a small strip of hair follicles is extracted from the back of the head where hair is genetically programmed to keep growing. These follicles are planted one-by-one or by twos or in threes into tiny incisions in the scalp where new hair is desired. Natural, quality hair results from this, and typically the hair will keep growing the rest of one's life.
The key to successful hair replacement surgery is finding an excellent surgeon. Not all hair doctors are created equal. It is good to see a transplant procedure in progress but it is most important to speak to many references. A qualified hair transplant surgeon has personally done thousands of cases. Beware of large groups which make that claim, when in fact they are speaking of the procedures performed by all their doctors collectively, not each one individually. A physician who has only been in practice a few years will not truthfully be able to claim extensive experience. If a doctor won't let you view a procedure or speak with satisfied customers -- whatever the excuses you are given -- keep looking. Be prepared to travel when you find the doctor of choice, as specialists in state-of-the-art technology are still rare. But if you commit to giving yourself the best, the results you get will be much more than worth it.
Chemo And Hair Loss
According to a study made by hair experts, 50% of all men and about 40% of women will undergo massive hair loss sometime in the span of their life. This study shows how serious the problem of hair loss to anybody. Most hair loss is linked genetically to an ancestor who has previous hair loss experience in their lifetime. That is why an effective hair loss solution is needed in order to eradicate this problem.
1. One main hair loss solution is ability to have a proper nutritional diet that will produce much needed nutrients in our hair, eating foods rich in fiber, protein and vitamin C helps lessen the possibility of hair loss. Medical experts agree that hair loss occurs on individuals with certain deficiencies in some important nutrients. A healthy diet can be rightfully called as an effective hair loss solution.
2. Another leading hair loss solution is the laser therapy. This process involves a low level amount of laser being applied to the scalp of the head in order to stimulate and start a new procession of healthy hair growth. This process of hair loss solution is however a bit expensive than other hair loss solution. Still nobody can say that this type of hair loss solution do not work as evidence by a number of people, the laser therapy generates great results in battling the problem of hair loss. It's more expensive, yes but at the same time ranks as one of the much better method of a hair loss solution being practiced today.
3. For a much cheaper method of an effective hair loss solution, scientists have invented this device called Androhair, it's like a comb where one can use in combing or brushing their hair just like a normal comb does. It caters mainly to people who suffer from a condition called Alopecia; it's a condition that causes hair loss by stopping the proper distribution of nutrients on a person's scalp. With the help of this device called Androhair, hair loss victims can comb their head and by the use of androhair it will massage your scalp and therefore allows more blood and nutrient circulation all over your scalps that will eventually spread the proper nutrients needed in making your hair strong and healthy again.
4. Other home based methods of an effective hair loss solution is the use of the plant of Aloe Vera, stems of aloe Vera gives proper nutrients to our scalps and makes it possible for new wave of hair growths that replaces those lost strands of hair. This is one of the cheapest examples of an effective hair loss solution that is being widely practiced up to this day.
5. The role of buying and using the right shampoo brand is also an effective hair loss solution. Make sure the shampoo you will use have a lot of helpful nutrients like protein, calcium and other minerals needed in strengthening the hair and providing for a more opportunity of hair growth.
Baldness and hair loss is a big problem but with the help of different methods of using a proper hair loss solution, the problem of hair loss will eventually be overcome.
Both Lawrence Shapiro & W. Darren - are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Lawrence Shapiro has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health, Hair Transplant and Hair Care. Dr. Lawrence Shapiro has performed over 10,000 permanent hair rep. Lawrence Shapiro's top article generates over 33100 views. Bookmark Lawrence Shapiro to your Favourites.
W. Darren - has sinced written about articles on various topics from Abdominal, Acne Treatment and Vegetarian Diet. Author is the webmaster of Hair Loss Treatment. You may be interested in. W. Darren -'s top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark W. Darren - to your Favourites.
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