Once you have a few people you think could be related to your site you now need to contact a couple of them. This will be a simple “capture swap” on your thank you page from either an opt in form or sales page. What you do it host your competitor's capture form on one of your thank you pages. You then get them to do the same.
Every time someone get to that thank you page you then have the opportunity for that customer to opt in to your competitor's list and visa versa. This means you will double your list building efforts and have fresh leads coming in from two sources all in the time it took you to copy and paste some code!
Now you can take this a step further and contact several competitors and do the same for each product you have. You could even maximize your earnings a bit more by also putting links to their products on your thank you pages, using your affiliate link of course. If you get together with a few other people doing this then you should all see a nice little income and list boost in just a matter of days!
Another simple but effective way is to get together with your competitors (again pick a few people who's products relate to your niche) and create a mini eCourse. Pick five people and ask them to each write an article.
Package the articles together so you now have a five week ecourse. Make sure each article is promoting a website (each person will write an article to promote their website or product) and then insert your own affiliate link to that product in to the bottom of the article. Make sure the other people who have written articles do this as well.
Now you each send an article a week to your lists. Very simply you have now boosted your income and list building efforts five fold, as have your competitors. You should each make commissions from each other's products so this should be incentive enough to for everyone to send out the recourse.
If you wanted to take this one step further you could even make your own simple website dedicated to this five week recourse. Once again adding the capture form of your competitors on the thank you page and the affiliate links in each week's article.
You can also share this “recourse template” with your five competitors, have them each make a new website dedicated to the recourse and do the same as you. With five people promoting five different websites all interrelated you have a huge and powerful money making and list building tool. Simple but effective.
Chiyoda Technip Joint Venture
Part of becoming a successful entrepreneur and business owner is recognizing opportunity and the potential for opportunity. Advantages abound for those who are savvy and keep their eyes and ears open for a chance to combine forces and form a joint venture partnership. A joint partnership can open up new revenue streams and expand your branding opportunities as well.
What Are Your Strengths?
What do you do well? Legal services? Online media creation? A large contact base for distribution? Your special niche in the business world is your opportunity to serve a joint venture partner. If you are especially talented in creating great websites, perhaps you could find a joint partner who has a need to reach more clients through the internet, but doesn't have the tech savvy to design a website or doesn't have the time to maintain one. These types of opportunities are what you need to recognize as an entrepreneur.
As an example of how to recognize opportunity, coffee giant Starbucks recognized that a large number of online daters would choose their locations for a first meet with a potential date. As a response, they partnered with Yahoo! Personals to create an "Espresso Dating Guide" with advice for dating and relationships. This guide not only helped couples in finding a good date, but also gave Starbucks additional customers for "first date" couples.
Can 1 + 1 = 3?
If you're good at math, you know that this formula is false. But can a pair of business ideas with good synergy create something greater than the combination of the two separately? Absolutely!
Consider Jean who owns a floral shop in Houston, Texas. Her products are sensitive to heat and air, and thus, limited to the amount of stock she could keep in her store. Large orders were difficult to fulfill due to the time and expense it would take to request stock from greenhouses to be delivered at a specific time.
Jean found a refrigeration and cooler storage business that had frequent space available. Jean worked out a joint venture with the company, offering them a percentage of all the sales of the orders that would be housed there. Without the overhead cost, Jean could offer a discount to wedding organizers and funeral homes for advance orders, and then Jean was able to acquire stock and store it in a rented portion of the cooling facility. As a result, Jean was able to expand her business triple-fold by fulfilling large orders, and the cooling facility had additional income from their extra space.
Think 'How'
You already have the strengths and abilities to make a joint venture partnership work. You are only limited by your imagination. Rather than asking if a business idea will work, you should ask," how it will work". There is an abundance of opportunities for you to join forces and create a synergetic joint venture partnership. Be creative. Look at the big picture. And when you have an idea in mind, be sure to present your potential joint venture partner with how it will work, not if, and the benefits that your partner will enjoy.
Both Steavewaugh & Christian Fea are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Christian Fea has sinced written about articles on various topics from Partnerships, Joint Venture and Business Plan. Christian Fea is CEO of Synertegic, Inc. A Joint Venture Marketing firm. He exemplifies how to profit from Joint Venture relationships by creating profit centers with minimal risk and maximum profitability. To discover more Joint Venture Marketing Strateg. Christian Fea's top article generates over 22200 views. Bookmark Christian Fea to your Favourites.
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