You do not need huge amounts of time and money to get into card making, it can be as simple or as complex as you desire but trust me once you have started you will be hooked.
Card making ideas are easy fun and are an excellent way of showing your creative side, they are considered gifts when being given in the form of a card and will always be well received.
When I had my first card making idea I started with a few basic tools, often you can use items from your home that are gathering dust.
The basic items I would suggest you need to start any card making ideas are the following.
Paper or card - paper and card come in a huge variety of forms from handmade paper, vellum, patterned and so many other designs. Paper and card is really the foundation for any card it can be used to mount toppers, add a layering effect it can be used in so many different ways including iris folding, a simple but very effective technique that involves folding strips of colored paper that are layered together in a spiral pattern.
Scissors - It is extremely important to have a really good quality pair of scissors, using blunt scissors really can mess up your card making ideas.
Metal ruler and craft knife - it is important to always work on a clean surface and a cutting mat is perfect for this as you can also use your craft knife with out having to worry about damaging your table or area of work. Good cutting tools are very important
Peel off stickers - peel off stickers can be used in so many ways they are a must for anyone who wants to produce good quality card making ideas. Using a peel off sticker that is the same color as your card can also give an embossed look.
Once you become a keep card maker you can always introduce additional supplies and items to your craft box.
Remember never to throw anything away that could be used, even your card scraps as these could be used to punch out small punches for embellishments
If you are making cards with your children and using an ink pad always make sure that the ink is washable it is surprising how much children would rather ink their hands and faces rather then using it for their card making ideas.
Making cards is a wonderful past time that all the family can enjoy sending and receiving home made personal cards will bring you joy and a sense of achievement.
Christmas Card Making Ideas
With the Credit Crunch becoming a reality for many hard working individuals around the world money is now becoming an issue for almost everyone. Let's face it, we'd all like to have the added security of making an extra buck here or there. Thankfully there are a few ways to make some extra cash. One of them includes taking your passion or hobby, no matter what it is, and turning it around into some extra income via selling online ebooks.
In the past it was, well how do I say, a pain to get a book published. An author had to go through a publishing house, which of course isn't easy and can eat into the bottom line. The only other alternative at the time was self-publishing, a very difficult thing to do correctly, as one would need to pay printing costs, set up distribution networks, get bookstores to accept and promote the book, etc. Now the Internet has added a new and easy way to self publish.
Online services now as Lulu allow average internet users to upload an ebook, which is just an electronic version of a book. The service includes help in formatting, cover creation, etc. After a book's style and look is finished the creator can sell the book online and create a tangible book that is also for sale. Lulu will print the book to the author's specifications one at a time. This means the book will only be printed when a copy has sold, thus eliminating an costly overhead that traditional self-publishers had to endure.
Now you're probably thinking, well, will my book sell? A few years back a writer by the name of Chris Anderson came up with the term "long tail". Basically the long tail theory purports that a market exists via the internet for almost any product, no matter how obscure. So even if your hobby of choice is very obscure there is probably a market for it. This makes sense after-all. You found your hobby, so its safe to say that others have as well.
What do we have so far? The cost of production is zero initially, as you will only pay when physical copies are sold. Electronic copies are also created at no cost. On the sale of the both you will have to pay a commission and production cost, which is be expected. There is also the issue to shelf life. Depending on the topic of choice, your Ebook may have a long life that will span many years and many possible sales. And let's face it, who hasn't wished to tell people at a party "I'm a published writer".
Frankly, you probably won't get rich off of selling a self-published Ebook. But look at it this way, if you already spend a great deal of time with your hobby you might as well turn it in to something. The worst case scenario is that your next resume can include "published author." In today's credit crunch environment a little extra money and a new, bankable resume skill can lead to increased income now and in the future.
Both Vicki Churchill & Katie George are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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