So what to give them besides the gifts that you have already given them for the past Christmases, birthdays and other special occasions? Here are some pointers on how to decide on what to give your dad for Christmas.
1. Raid their closets and their desks
Look inside their rooms and look for things that they still do not have or things that need replacement. For instance, does their wallet look tattered? Do they need a new one? Is there cuff links already tarnished? Will they appreciate another pair?
Are they missing a white polo for the office or for formal occasions? Another area where you can look into for potential gift ideas is their desks. Get inside their study or their home office and look for things that they can possibly use.
2. Connive with mom
Who better to ask about what your dad needs but your mom? Ask your mom what gift will your dad most appreciate. Chances are, she will know something that your dad can really use. If she has no idea, you can ask her to try and ask your dad for you. She can either be direct about it or try the subtle approach. Whatever works!
To cut everything short and to minimize all the work, you can always directly ask your dad what he wants for Christmas. Nothing beats not beating around the bush! Of course, make sure that your dad is the type who will tell you what he wants. If not, don't bother asking as you will only ruin the surprise. There are just some people who are not comfortable telling people what they want as gifts.
4. Consider their interests
When buying gifts for your dad, you should always look into their interests. For instance, if he is a golf enthusiast, then you can probably buy something that is related to golf or with a gold emblem to it, a golf clock or a paperweight of a golf player swinging.
5. Give him a new interest
Another great gift idea is to give your dad something this Christmas that will start off a new interest. This is especially great with dads who are already in their retirement or those who are about to retire.
Christmas Gift For Dads
Sometimes the best presents are those that will have Dads and Kids fighting for control of them. If you know a man that is really a big kid at heart, who perhaps spends more time on Guitar Hero then the kids do, then this article is for you. We look at neat gifts for Dads who have everything a grown up could wish for but like to indulge the child in them as well.
We are looking at the worlds smallest hydrogen car versus possibly the worlds smallest Tank. The H-Racer hydrogen car is the ultimate in executive toys however it palls relatively quickly and is more of a novelty item than something that will have a Dad and son clinched in a tug of war battle. It might be suited for gadget addicted Dads or kids who have a vested interest in mechanics or technology, as it is more a model of how hydrogen power works as opposed to a fun toy.
The car is sleek and boasts a snazzy blue and silver body however you have to assemble it yourself. This is possibly the most entertaining part of the whole process as you have to connect the hydrogen fuel cell system to the electric motor and after this is complete you can begin the speedy charge process. There is an accompanying power station, powered by a modest two AA batteries or a solar panel depending on whether and if you can be bothered.
As far as gifts for Dads go this is not fantastic but it looks great and is interesting watching the car fuel. The major draw back is that it is not too powerful and only goes in a straight line so it renders the toy more of a model than a functional source of entertainment. It could however be a good gift for a child with an aptitude for science who could reconstruct it. The price tag of 50GBP makes it an expensive model so you have to be sure that the recipient will be playing with the toy as opposed to the box, this includes Dads!
Facing off against the not so exciting but informative hydrogen car is the R-C Remote control tank. That is right, a remote control tank complete with toy soldier. The green soldier will take many Dads back to their childhoods however it is not as fantastic as it might seem. The tank actually costs 15 dollars which is the equivalent to about 8GBP and you get what you pay for. The shell is very un-tank like as it is flimsy and can be damaged by running into anything harder than a pillow and it eats batteries as the tank is charged from the controller.
It is the ultimate boys toy but as far as gifts for dads go they might need something with a bit more juice. It will not stand the test of time however it does turn in four directions unlike the hydrogen car. A combination of the two could be interesting, however they would both serve as novelty gifts for dads or children in two different price ranges.
Both Low Jeremy & Dominic Donaldson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Low Jeremy has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Management, Computers and The Internet and Elder Care. Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all. Low Jeremy's top article generates over 368000 views. Bookmark Low Jeremy to your Favourites.
Dominic Donaldson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Cars, Touring Italy and Environment. Dominic Donaldson is an expert on"> gifts for dads and provides impartial advice on all present buying.. Dominic Donaldson's top article generates over 368000 views. Bookmark Dominic Donaldson to your Favourites.
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