For years, people have been making dandelion wine, which is made from the blossoms of the dandelion plant. Dandelions are also wonderful when eaten raw, mixed with a salad. The dadelion leaves are very good when steamed too. If you have any allergies that come from the aster family, don't eat dandelions, daisies, ragweed, or their relatives, like burdock and chicory. When you are weeding your container garden, you might be throwing out some tasty food!
Burdocks can be found in area where there is unplanted soil. For many centuries Africans and Italians have been eating Burdock. The Africans call it "Gobo" and the Italians call it "Cardone". The Burdock roots can be steamed like vegetables. People say that the stems of the Burdock plant is the best when steamed. Using Burdock roots or stems can be used in many typed of soups and stews. This food is bad for pregnant women to eat.
Lambsquarters, which is also known as Chenopodium, is good to eat after it has been steamed, like spinach. This plant is great in quiche. New England has a tradition of canning Lambsquarters throughout the winter months. The early shoots are the best to eat. Lambsquarters would make a great addition to your container garden. For centuries, both, Romans and Europeans have been cultivating Lambsquarters.
Be very careful when cultivating or eating Lambsquarters. High levels of nitrates could devolope from growing in soil with heavy fertility, or sprayed with herbicide, which could be very harmful to you. Lambsquarters contains oxalates, which is harmful for people who have arthritis, hepatic conditions, gastric inflammations, gout, rheumatism, or are prone to kidney stones.
Dock is another delicious weed people have been growing and eating for centuries. Dock is also known as Sorrel. The French have used Dock in Sorrel Soup and creamed sauces for fish for many centuries also. Dock has a very intense lemony flavor, so it would be best if you used this sparringly in your foods.
In Asia, they have been using a weed called, Japanese Knotwood, which is also known as Fallopia. The Asians would serve this vegetable steamed with rice dishes. Japanese Knotwood contain Resveratrol, which is known to help to prevent heart attacks. Having Japanese Knotwood in your container garden would be an asset to you and your loved ones.
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